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发布时间:2018-11-21 09:41
【摘要】:近年来,信息(IT)技术的发展对金融业产生了很大的影响。信息技术的广泛使用使得金融机构能够更快的响应市场速度,向市场提供更好的产品和服务。人民银行地市分支机构面向社会提供大、小额支付清算、同城票据清算、财税横向联网、结算账户审批、征信记录查询、公民身份联网核查等金融服务。这些服务均以计算机软件系统形式通过金融城市网(计算机网络)或互联网来实现。随着经济的不断发展,T市的金融活动日益增加。金融服务业务量也跟随着上升,因此有关的信息系统运维工作量不断上升,信息系统的稳定性要求标准也水涨船高。信息系统运维部门不再是几个人凭着经验,靠着一个骨干就能胜任得了的了。为了解决人民银行T市中支信息系统运行维护管理的现状与日益增长的金融服务业务之间矛盾,笔者针对不再适用的旧的IT运维制度和方案提出重新设计。新方案以信息技术基础设施库(Information Technology Infrastructure Library)为参考标准,建立了服务台、事件管理、问题管理、变更管理、配置管理流程。新的运维管理方案,改进了信息系统运维质量,提升了信息系统稳定性,为地方金融服务和金融稳定作出了贡献。因此本文是研究如何更好的管理各个信息系统的方案,选题有着非常重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the development of information (IT) technology has a great impact on the financial industry. The wide use of information technology enables financial institutions to respond faster to the market and provide better products and services to the market. The prefectural and municipal branches of the people's Bank of China provide financial services such as large, small payment settlement, settlement of bills in the same city, horizontal networking of finance and taxation, examination and approval of settlement accounts, inquiry of credit records, and network verification of citizens' identity. These services are implemented through financial city networks (computer networks) or the Internet in the form of computer software systems. With the development of economy, the financial activity of T city is increasing day by day. The amount of financial service business is also rising, so the workload of information system operation and maintenance is increasing, and the standard of information system stability is also rising. Information Systems Operations and maintenance Department is no longer a few people with experience, relying on a backbone can do it. In order to solve the contradiction between the current situation of the operation maintenance and management of the central branch information system of the people's Bank of China and the increasing financial service business, the author proposes to redesign the old IT operation and maintenance system which is no longer applicable. Based on the information technology infrastructure library (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), the new scheme establishes the flow of service desk, event management, problem management, change management and configuration management. The new operation and maintenance management scheme improves the operation and maintenance quality of information systems, enhances the stability of information systems, and contributes to local financial services and financial stability. Therefore, this paper is to study how to better manage the various information systems, the topic has a very important practical significance.


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