发布时间:2018-12-25 08:32
【摘要】:21世纪以来,随着科技文明的不断发展,市场经济的不断成熟,世界各地的大型企业、中小企业都已成为国民经济发展中最活跃的因素,其中,中小企业在所有企业当中占有的数量最多,其地位更是无法取代。我国自实行对外开放政策以来,经济、社会发展面临着更多的机遇和挑战,中小企业对国民经济的贡献率不断提高,中小企业无论是在繁荣经济、缓解就业、提高科技能力等方面,还是在转变经济增长方式、构建和谐社会等方面都发挥着越来越重要的作用,成为我国国民经济增长和社会协调发展的基础性力量。如果把大企业看作是中国经济的骨架,那么中小企业就是中国经济的血和肉,血和肉不健康,庞然大物也就经不起强烈的冲击。与此同时,中小企业面临的生存状况和现实问题也受到了全社会的关注,逐渐成为政府部门政策支持的主体,特别是在金融危机爆发后,中小企业面临着巨大的困境,首当其冲的就是融资这个世界性的难题,已然成为制约中小企业发展的“瓶颈”,其原因主要包含自身因素和外部环境的影响。因此,政府是一个国家的职能部门,是一个国家政治、经济环境的引导者和推动者,政府应该充分利用其自身的优势,改造融资环境,提高中小企业的融资能力、帮助建立健全融资体系,从根本上解决中小企业的融资困境。当前我国正处于经济增长方式转变和金融体制改革的重要历史阶段,政府在此时的政策意向直接影响着未来几十年的市场体制和融资环境,因此就需要政府审时度势,在把握市场规律的前提下,充分发挥政府的行政职能,为中小企业的融资开拓更为广阔的融资渠道,建立一个完整的政策型中小企业融资体系,需要结合我国具体的融资环境和社会主义市场条件下中小企业发展的特点,积极寻求解决问题的突破点。 本论文从经济学、政治学的角度,以政府在解决中小企业融资问题中的定位为对象,从政府的政策干预、资金扶持力度、组织机构等方面对中小企业融资过程中的政府行为进行研究,搜集整理了国内外相关的理论和实践经验,以马克思资本有机构成理论和资本循环理论、现代资本理论、市场失灵理论、信息不对称理论为依托,运用文献引用法、理论与实践相结合的方法等,分析了我国中小企业的特点、融资渠道以及目前的融资现状,进而从政府干预的角度分析了各级政府在中小企业融资中的成效和不足,提出适度干预问题,并从企业自身、外部环境、政府部门等多方面分析融资难的成因,探寻产生问题的根本原因,,又借鉴了西方发达国家的成功经验,结合我国的具体国情,从而得出政府干预在解决我国中小企业融资问题中应采取的措施。通过研究得出,各级政府作用的发挥还有很多的空间,干预的范围、力度和手段,以及具体的缺位、越位等问题,需要结合中小企业融资的现状,在不断比较借鉴中,继续改善和提高。
[Abstract]:Since the 21 st century, with the development of scientific and technological civilization and the continuous development of market economy, large-scale enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises all over the world have become the most active factors in the development of the national economy. Its position can't be replaced. Since the opening of the opening-up policy in China, the economy and the social development face more opportunities and challenges, and the contribution rate of the small and medium-sized enterprises to the national economy is increasing. It has played an increasingly important role in the transformation of the way of economic growth and the construction of a harmonious society, and has become the basic force of the national economic growth and the development of the social harmony. If the big enterprise is regarded as the backbone of the Chinese economy, the small and medium-sized enterprises are the blood and the meat of the Chinese economy, the blood and the meat are not healthy, and the behemoth does not have a strong impact. At the same time, the problems of the survival and the real problems faced by small and medium-sized enterprises have also been paid attention to by the whole society, becoming the main body of government policy support, especially after the financial crisis, the small and medium-sized enterprises face great difficulties, First of all, financing the world's difficult problem has become the 鈥淏ottleneck鈥
[Abstract]:Since the 21 st century, with the development of scientific and technological civilization and the continuous development of market economy, large-scale enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises all over the world have become the most active factors in the development of the national economy. Its position can't be replaced. Since the opening of the opening-up policy in China, the economy and the social development face more opportunities and challenges, and the contribution rate of the small and medium-sized enterprises to the national economy is increasing. It has played an increasingly important role in the transformation of the way of economic growth and the construction of a harmonious society, and has become the basic force of the national economic growth and the development of the social harmony. If the big enterprise is regarded as the backbone of the Chinese economy, the small and medium-sized enterprises are the blood and the meat of the Chinese economy, the blood and the meat are not healthy, and the behemoth does not have a strong impact. At the same time, the problems of the survival and the real problems faced by small and medium-sized enterprises have also been paid attention to by the whole society, becoming the main body of government policy support, especially after the financial crisis, the small and medium-sized enterprises face great difficulties, First of all, financing the world's difficult problem has become the 鈥淏ottleneck鈥