发布时间:2018-12-26 09:40
【摘要】:中国对外直接投资在过去十年快速增长,2011年全国对外直接投资流量达到746.5亿美元,近十年的平均年增长率达到了44.6%;2011年全国对外直接投资存量达到4247.8亿美元,其中对美国直接投资存量为66.85亿美元。中国对美国直接投资同样在过去十年的时间里增长迅速,流量从2003年的0.65亿美元增长到2011年的18.11亿美元,增长了2686.15%;存量从2003年的5.02亿美元增长到2011年的66.85亿美元,增长了1231.67%,投资主要集中在制造业且在中国对外投资总量中所占比例不高,且以资源获取型投资为主,近几年以技术获取为目的对美直接投资才刚刚起步,但增长速度十分快①。美国是当今世界头号发达国家,掌握着世界最领先的高新技术,如果中国能够增加技术获取型的对美投资比重,则投资的逆向技术溢出会相应的增多。本文就通过实证分析了影响中国对美国直接投资逆向技术溢出的影响因素,为中国对美国直接投资提供理论支持。 本文的实证分析最终得到了预期的结果。本文利用时间序列数据,重点考察了中国RD支出、中美两国人力资本、中美两国信息化程度和美国专利申请数量六个因素对中国对美国直接投资逆向技术溢出是否有显著影响,由于各经济变量存在多重共线性,本文使用偏最小二乘回归分析方法建立模型进行回归。回归结果发现,各个因变量除了中国人力资本与技术溢出是负相关关系之外,其他变量均与逆向技术溢出成正相关关系,其中中国RD支出、中国信息化程度、美国人力资本对逆向技术溢出的解释能力最强,这说明主要是这三个因素影响了中国对美国直接投资逆向技术溢出的效果。从而,本文最后得出的政策建议是增加中国RD支出、加快中国信息化程度建设和中国跨国公司充分利用美国人力资本优势等。
[Abstract]:China's foreign direct investment (OFDI) has been growing rapidly in the past ten years. In 2011, the national FDI flow reached US $74.65 billion, with an average annual growth rate of 44.6% in the past ten years. In 2011, the national stock of foreign direct investment reached $424.78 billion, of which the stock of direct investment in the United States was $6.685 billion. Chinese direct investment in the United States has also grown rapidly over the past decade, rising from $65 million in 2003 to $1.811 billion in 2011, an increase of 2,686.15; The stock increased from US $502 million in 2003 to US $6.685 billion in 2011, an increase of 1231.67.The investment is mainly concentrated in the manufacturing industry and accounts for a small proportion of China's total outward investment, and is dominated by resource-acquisition investment. In recent years, technology acquisition as the goal of direct investment in the United States has only just begun, but the growth rate is very fast 1. 5%. The United States is the largest developed country in the world and holds the world's most advanced technology. If China can increase the proportion of technology acquisition investment in the United States, the reverse technology spillover will increase accordingly. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of reverse technology spillover of China's direct investment in the United States through empirical analysis, and provides theoretical support for China's direct investment in the United States. The empirical analysis of this paper finally obtained the expected results. Using time series data, this paper focuses on six factors, such as China's RD expenditure, China and the United States' human capital, the degree of information technology between China and the United States, and the number of US patent applications, which have a significant impact on the reverse technology spillover of China's direct investment in the United States. Due to the existence of multiple collinearity among economic variables, the partial least square regression analysis method is used to establish a regression model in this paper. The regression results show that, except for the negative correlation between Chinese human capital and technology spillover, the other variables have a positive correlation with reverse technology spillover. The Chinese RD expenditure, the degree of informatization in China, American human capital has the strongest ability to explain reverse technology spillover, which indicates that these three factors affect the effect of reverse technology spillover of Chinese direct investment to the United States. Therefore, the policy recommendations of this paper are to increase China's RD expenditure, speed up the construction of China's informatization and make full use of the advantages of American human capital by Chinese multinationals.
[Abstract]:China's foreign direct investment (OFDI) has been growing rapidly in the past ten years. In 2011, the national FDI flow reached US $74.65 billion, with an average annual growth rate of 44.6% in the past ten years. In 2011, the national stock of foreign direct investment reached $424.78 billion, of which the stock of direct investment in the United States was $6.685 billion. Chinese direct investment in the United States has also grown rapidly over the past decade, rising from $65 million in 2003 to $1.811 billion in 2011, an increase of 2,686.15; The stock increased from US $502 million in 2003 to US $6.685 billion in 2011, an increase of 1231.67.The investment is mainly concentrated in the manufacturing industry and accounts for a small proportion of China's total outward investment, and is dominated by resource-acquisition investment. In recent years, technology acquisition as the goal of direct investment in the United States has only just begun, but the growth rate is very fast 1. 5%. The United States is the largest developed country in the world and holds the world's most advanced technology. If China can increase the proportion of technology acquisition investment in the United States, the reverse technology spillover will increase accordingly. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of reverse technology spillover of China's direct investment in the United States through empirical analysis, and provides theoretical support for China's direct investment in the United States. The empirical analysis of this paper finally obtained the expected results. Using time series data, this paper focuses on six factors, such as China's RD expenditure, China and the United States' human capital, the degree of information technology between China and the United States, and the number of US patent applications, which have a significant impact on the reverse technology spillover of China's direct investment in the United States. Due to the existence of multiple collinearity among economic variables, the partial least square regression analysis method is used to establish a regression model in this paper. The regression results show that, except for the negative correlation between Chinese human capital and technology spillover, the other variables have a positive correlation with reverse technology spillover. The Chinese RD expenditure, the degree of informatization in China, American human capital has the strongest ability to explain reverse technology spillover, which indicates that these three factors affect the effect of reverse technology spillover of Chinese direct investment to the United States. Therefore, the policy recommendations of this paper are to increase China's RD expenditure, speed up the construction of China's informatization and make full use of the advantages of American human capital by Chinese multinationals.
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