[Abstract]:In the 1960s and early 1970s, West Germany's balance of payments surplus, especially short-term capital inflows, increased, which impacted the domestic economy. Although the promotion of exports and economic growth was the main theme of West Germany's foreign economic policy and the idea of a fixed exchange rate remained entrenched, West Germany was firmly committed to a free market economy and an open capital account. Taking domestic economic equilibrium, especially price stability as the most important point, after heated debate and repeated exploration, we have taken the initiative to allow the appreciation of Mark several times, which has promoted the sustained and stable growth of the economy. In recent years, China's balance of payments has maintained a large surplus, and the external imbalance has increased the pressure on the domestic economy. The experience of West Germany has important implications on how to deal with China's economic imbalance, how to promote the reform of the RMB exchange rate mechanism and the convertibility of capital account.
【作者单位】: 中国人民银行金融研究所;
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