[Abstract]:Firstly, based on the framework of New Keynesian monopolistic competition model, a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium theory model under open economy is established. Through the calibration of model parameters and the identification of impulse effects of shock factors, the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model is established in this paper. The dynamic relationship between domestic monetary policy and RMB exchange rate and its influence on China's macro-economic stability are investigated in detail. The results show that both monetary policy regulation and exchange rate fluctuations have a significant impact on output and inflation, and there are also significant effects between monetary policy and exchange rate fluctuations. Then, the correlation econometric model based on mean value and wave equation shows that there are significant spillover effects between China's monetary policy and RMB exchange rate. Considering the continuous deepening of financial liberalization in China and the gradual opening of capital to the outside world, China's financial market and the international financial market are more closely connected, and when there is an expectation of appreciation, A single monetary policy or exchange rate policy cannot achieve balanced economic growth, and there is no way to make the yuan appreciate steadily. Therefore, we should further promote the process of interest rate marketization and improve the formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate. It is of great significance to coordinate the relationship between exchange rate and monetary policy, maintain macro-economy, exchange rate stability and independence of monetary policy.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学经济与金融学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重点项目(09AZD020) 教育部应急项目(2009JYJR058)资助
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