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发布时间:2019-03-28 19:57
[Abstract]:Bank A since the establishment of corporate banks in 2007, the size of assets gradually increased, showing a good momentum of development. But into 2012, retail bank deposits, the main supplier of deposits, have seen negative growth in some months, which has largely hampered the sustained and steady pace of bank A's development. And the detailed study of the specific reasons for the shrinkage of deposits, the appearance is that the problem of the loss of retail customers in Bank A is serious, and then lead to the loss of deposits, thereby affecting the deposit performance of retail banks; the real reason is the lack of loyalty of customers. Then leads to the final research purpose-how to enhance the loyalty of A bank retail customers. This paper attempts to establish the theoretical foundation of the article by introducing the theory of customer loyalty, and introduces the status quo of A bank retail banking service, product, channel and operation mechanism which affect customer loyalty in detail. Then under the guidance of theory and the status quo as the object of analysis, this paper puts forward the five pillars of enhancing customer loyalty: customer satisfaction, customer transformation obstacle, employee loyalty, customer churn prediction model and customer loyalty plan. And the promotion of the five pillars of the study as the main content of the article. According to the results of satisfaction evaluation, the improved priority matrix of each factor of customer satisfaction is established by using SEM model, and the suggestions are given to expand the product line of retail bank, strengthen the function of internet banking, increase the number of outlets, and strengthen the ability of IT development. The SAS software is used to establish the customer churn prediction model to extract the most likely customer turnover list combined with the corresponding activities launched by the marketing department to retain the customers and put forward suggestions to improve the positive transformation barriers and employee loyalty of the customers. Put forward to establish a first-level and three-level combination of customer loyalty programs. In order to ensure the smooth development of the promotion of the above five pillars, it is proposed to enhance the attention and participation of the management, to get rid of the negative impact of the parent bank on Bank A and to strengthen the protection of communication and coordination with the regulatory authorities.


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