[Abstract]:In July 2005, China began to abandon the fixed exchange rate system and implement a floating exchange rate system with reference to a basket of currencies. The volatility and uncertainty of the exchange rate caused by it make the exchange rate risk of commercial banks increasingly prominent. How to effectively prevent exchange rate risk has become an important issue in the management of commercial banks. VaR method has become a mainstream method of risk measurement in the world, and has been widely used by financial institutions and enterprises in various countries. In this paper, VaR method is introduced into the empirical study of exchange rate risk measurement to explore its practicability in China's financial market. In the empirical study, the US dollar / RMB exchange rate, euro / RMB exchange rate, yen / RMB exchange rate, Hong Kong dollar / RMB exchange rate and pound / RMB exchange rate were selected as the research objects from July 25, 2005 to December 31, 2015. Firstly, the applicability of five groups of RMB exchange rate data is tested, then the parameters are estimated by GARCH family model, and two suitable models are selected, and then the VaR value of each foreign currency rate of return is calculated, and the failure rate test is passed. The best model of VaR value estimation is obtained. The empirical results show that when the risk value of RMB exchange rate risk is measured, the confidence level is 99% and the holding period is 1 day, then the best model of dollar return series should be EGARCH (1, 1)-GED, EGARCH (1, 1)-M-GED model. The euro should choose EGARCH (1, 1)-t model. Park (1, 1)-M can be established as the best model of Hong Kong dollar. The yen yield series PARCH (1, 1)-GED and TARCH (1, 1)-GED have certain predictability. Park (1, 1)-t and EGARCH (1, 1)-GED can be established as the best model of sterling yield series. Finally, it provides a reliable reference for the decision makers of exchange rate risk of commercial banks to improve the applicability and accuracy of VaR method in commercial banks from two aspects of method selection and system construction.
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