[Abstract]:In recent years, the maturity structure of assets and liabilities of joint-stock commercial banks in China has undergone great changes. While the joint-stock commercial banks lend their funds in the medium and long term and other uses, there is a risk of maturity misallocation due to the inability to raise enough liquidity. The emergence and expansion of term mismatch in joint-stock commercial banks has a great impact on China's joint-stock commercial banks, the financial market and even the market economy as a whole, which has aroused great concern in academia and the industry. However, at present, there is no effective way to completely solve the maturity misallocation risk of joint-stock commercial banks in China. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the risk and management of term mismatch in joint-stock commercial banks. This paper starts from the present situation of term mismatch risk of joint-stock commercial banks in China, combined with the related theories of term mismatch of joint-stock commercial banks, from the perspectives of financial market, savings deposits, bank loans and shadow banking. This paper analyzes the causes and harmfulness of term mismatch risk of joint-stock commercial banks in China. At the same time, under the support of the relevant data, this paper makes data statistics, comparison and case analysis of the maturity mismatch risk of joint-stock commercial banks, and on this basis, puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures for the management of term mismatch risk of joint-stock commercial banks. It is hoped that, to a certain extent, it can play a guiding role in alleviating the risk of term misallocation of joint-stock commercial banks in China, preventing and controlling the risk of term mismatch, and promoting the stability and healthy development of China's financial market.
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