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发布时间:2018-04-03 12:56

  本文选题:制药行业 切入点:融资结构 出处:《中共黑龙江省委党校》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the birth of MM theory in 1958, the hypothesis that the study of financing layout theory has become a hot topic is an ideal situation, and it is also impossible to exist in real life. Later, scholars and experts at home and abroad took MM as the basis.By constantly relaxing the hypothetical conditions and forming a new theory, the financing structure theory is more full in scope and depth, from the original early financing structure theory to the modern financing structure theory, to the new financing structure theory now.More and more mature research, from many aspects to study and analyze the different financing structure how to affect corporate performance, contemporary corporate governance issues are also the key to the study of corporate financing structure,There is a great relationship between corporate performance and financing structure, and even the future strategic planning and development direction of the company.The pharmaceutical industry is the basic industry of the country and has a close relationship with the national economy and the people's livelihood. With the deepening of the reform of the pharmaceutical industry, the increase of the aging population, the improvement of the level of the people and the high demand for medical treatment,It makes the healthy development of the pharmaceutical industry and the domestic and foreign scholars and experts of the pharmaceutical industry less research, so it is necessary to combine the financing structure of the industry and corporate performance research.The research objects of this paper are five listed companies in Heilongjiang pharmaceutical industry, namely, Kazakh shares, people's Tongtai, Yueheng Pharmaceutical, Sunflower Pharmaceutical Industry and Zhenbao Island, through the selection of financing structure indicators and corporate performance indicators.The relevant characteristic analysis and regression analysis of five listed companies are carried out respectively. Finally, the corresponding solutions are given in view of the problems in the research.


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