[Abstract]:In order to give full play to the disciplinary advantages of the School of Accounting of the Central University of Finance and Economics and the expertise of the China Institute of Certified Public Accountants in industry management and policy formulation, our school set up the "China Certified Public Accountants Industry Development Cooperative Innovation Center" in 2012. The person in charge is Professor Meng Yan, dean of the Institute of Accounting. The members include a group of experts and scholars who have strong interest and expertise in the field of CPA audit. The center is committed to playing the role of "think tank" for the policy formulation and practical work of CPA industry, and has become an important domestic position in the field of CPA audit research, and has a certain international academic impact. Since the establishment of the center, the members of the center have actively participated in the formulation and practice of industry policies. In June 2012, Professor Meng Yan, the head of the center, as a representative of colleges and universities, attended the first "Beijing Fair"-"Trade in Accounting Services and International Capital flows", and made a speech. In October 2013, Professor Meng Yan, as a representative of colleges and universities, attended the Communication meeting between the National Development Association and the School of Accounting (Department) of colleges and universities, and gave a report on the reform project of the training mode of applied innovative talents for accounting majors of the Central University of Finance and Economics in July 2012, Professor Wu Xi, member of the Center, and Associate Professor Zhang Junsheng cooperated in the paper "an Analysis of the Market position and Economic return of Chinese Local Accounting firms", which was confirmed and instructed by Vice Minister Wang Jun of the Ministry of Finance at that time.
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