本文选题:西藏民居 + 康巴藏区 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:昌都地区作为我国西藏自治区东部的重要地区,同时也是康巴文化的政治、宗教核心地区,是连接四川、西藏的重要桥梁。其自然条件艰苦、气候极端、生态环境脆弱,充分利用自然能改善室内热环境,减少取暖时燃烧木材造成的能源消耗与环境破坏,具有重要的意义。 本文首先介绍了昌都地区的文化历史背景、自然条件以及昌都地区的聚落形成原因,总结出昌都地区传统民居的形式特点、平面特征、空间组织与居民的生活方式,并从多个方面分析了昌都地区传统民居的气候适应性。同时将昌都地区居民对传统民居的自发改造作了介绍,,归纳总结出昌都地区新建居住建筑的优缺点,发现传统采暖方式造成空气污染的不可持续。对传统民居与新建居住建筑的室内空气温度、室内空气湿度、室内外壁面温度等热环境参数进行了测试,并分析了其不同表现的原因。 使用计算机软件对昌都地区气候设计的各个要素进行了详细的分析,并对影响被动式设计较大的冬季太阳辐射与风环境进行了实地的测试分析。依据昌都地区居住建筑现状、气候要素分析,结合被动式设计原理,提出了昌都地区居住建筑被动式设计的原则与方法。 依照所提出的原则与方法,同时参考《西藏自治区居住建筑节能设计标准》与《被动式太阳能建筑技术规范》,提出了昌都居住建筑从户型设计到构造设计的改进案例。通过Designbuilder模拟验证了改进前后不同方案的室内热环境,分析结果显示改进后方案的室内热环境确实获得了一定程度的提升。
[Abstract]:As an important area in the eastern part of Tibet Autonomous region, Changdu region is also the political and religious core of Kangba culture and an important bridge connecting Sichuan and Tibet. Its natural conditions are hard, the climate is extreme and the ecological environment is fragile. It is of great significance to make full use of nature to improve the indoor thermal environment and to reduce the energy consumption and environmental damage caused by burning wood during heating. This paper first introduces the cultural and historical background, natural conditions and the formation reasons of the settlement in Changdu area, and summarizes the form characteristics, plane characteristics, spatial organization and the way of life of residents in Changdu area. The climate adaptability of traditional residence in Changdu area is analyzed from many aspects. At the same time, this paper introduces the spontaneous transformation of traditional residential buildings in Changdu area, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of newly built residential buildings in Changdu area, and finds that the traditional heating methods cause unsustainable air pollution. The indoor air temperature, indoor air humidity, indoor and outdoor wall temperature and other thermal environmental parameters of traditional residential buildings and new residential buildings were tested, and the reasons for their different performance were analyzed. The elements of climate design in Changdu area are analyzed in detail by using computer software, and the solar radiation and wind environment in winter that affect passive design are tested and analyzed in the field. According to the present situation of residential buildings in Changdu area, the analysis of climatic elements and the principle of passive design, this paper puts forward the principles and methods of passive design of residential buildings in Changdu area. According to the proposed principles and methods, and referring to the Standard of Energy-saving Design of Residential buildings in Tibet Autonomous region and the Technical Specification of passive Solar buildings, the improvement cases of residential buildings in Changdu from household design to structural design are put forward. The indoor thermal environment of different schemes before and after the improvement is verified by Designbuilder simulation. The analysis results show that the indoor thermal environment of the improved scheme has been improved to a certain extent.
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