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发布时间:2018-08-20 14:24
【摘要】:在影响建筑负荷和能耗的诸多因素中,内部因素占了相当的比例,且随着建筑围护结构热工特性的增强,建筑外部因素对建筑内环境的影响减小,内部因素的作用日益突出。现有研究并没有形成关于内部因素对负荷和能耗的理论体系,同时没有形成关于内部因素在节能方面的技术体系,因此对建筑内部对负荷和能耗产生影响的因素进行深入研究是十分必要的。 要进行建筑内部因素的分析,首先要明确定义“内部负荷扰量”。本文通过分析办公建筑内部负荷扰量的作用机理,归纳影响建筑负荷的内部因素,包括室内温湿度设定、人员活动、设备使用、照明使用和外窗开启程度5个方面,借用“以人为本”的思想,以人员为主线,提出内部负荷扰量(简称内扰)的定义和解析式。通过分析这些因素对建筑负荷的显著性,界定本文的研究范围为内扰中对负荷影响最显著的三个因素:人员、设备和照明,即狭义内扰。 为了分析内扰的特征,开展了对天津市办公建筑典型办公室的调研,调研分3个步骤,包括现场调研和调查问卷,观察、记录人员活动、设备使用和照明使用的信息。通过分析调研数据,得到人员、设备、照明特征的定性分析和定量的数学描写。对于室内人员,发现对于多人办公室,其平均人员在室率呈现“双峰分布”特征,且该特征可以用三次多项式拟合得出,拟合精度在0.9左右。对于办公室的主要设备电脑,论证了瞬时功率的出现是随机过程,并采用马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)方法分析电脑功率。对于其他设备和灯具,由于其使用规律和控制方法,使得其功率呈现典型的“0-1”特征,进而建立了其他设备和灯具功率的模型。 综合以上模型,建立了内扰引起的直接能耗预测模型。通过实例分析,验证了该方法的可行性。根据建立的数学描写和预测模型,,对空调系统的设计和控制等方面提出了初步的优化建议。
[Abstract]:Internal factors account for a considerable proportion of the factors affecting building load and energy consumption, and with the enhancement of thermal characteristics of building envelopes, the impact of external factors on the internal environment of buildings decreases and the role of internal factors becomes increasingly prominent. At the same time, there is no technical system about the internal factors in energy saving, so it is necessary to study the factors that affect the load and energy consumption inside the building.
In order to analyze the internal factors of buildings, we must first define the "internal load disturbance". By analyzing the mechanism of the internal load disturbance of office buildings, this paper summarizes the internal factors affecting the building load, including indoor temperature and humidity setting, personnel activities, equipment use, lighting use and the degree of window opening. Based on the idea of "people-oriented", this paper puts forward the definition and analytic formula of internal load disturbance (internal disturbance for short).
In order to analyze the characteristics of internal disturbance, the investigation of typical office buildings in Tianjin was carried out. The investigation was divided into three steps, including on-site investigation and questionnaire, observation, recording personnel activities, equipment use and lighting use information. For indoor personnel, it is found that the average occupancy rate of multi-person office presents a "bimodal distribution" feature, which can be fitted by cubic polynomial, and the fitting accuracy is about 0.9. For the main office equipment computer, it is demonstrated that the instantaneous power is a random process, and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MC) is used. MC) method is used to analyze computer power. For other equipments and lamps, the typical "0-1" characteristic of their power is obtained because of their application rules and control methods, and the power models of other equipments and lamps are established.
Based on the above models, a direct energy consumption prediction model caused by internal disturbance is established, and the feasibility of the method is verified by an example analysis.


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