[Abstract]:With the increasing attention to environmental protection and energy demand offshore wind energy as a rich new clean energy has been vigorously developed. Because the offshore wind power infrastructure is expensive, difficult to construct, and works in a bad marine environment for a long time, it is very important to analyze and study the mechanical problems of offshore wind power infrastructure. In this paper, the strength, fatigue life and crashworthiness of a group of pile offshore wind power infrastructure are studied. The main work is as follows: firstly, the finite element model of wind power infrastructure is established by using finite element software ANSYS. The fan load and the wave load on the foundation are calculated under the limit condition, the fixed point of the pile leg is calculated according to the empirical formula, the stress and deformation of the foundation under the limit condition are calculated, and the structure of the foundation is checked according to the DNV code. Secondly, the fatigue simulation of offshore wind power foundation concrete structure is carried out by using ANSYS software based on the method of fatigue load equivalence, and the fatigue analysis and evaluation of wind power foundation simulation results are carried out based on DNV code and GL code. At the same time, the fatigue analysis methods of these two codes are analyzed and compared. Finally, the collision model of the rubber fender and the anti-collision structure and the 1000DWT impingement ship are established by the finite element software ANSYS/LS-DYNA. Under certain impact standards, the impact models at different tidal levels are simulated, and the stress-strain, impact velocity-time curves and impact force-time curves are obtained. The crashworthiness of the foundation anti-collision structures is studied. The results are compared with those calculated by the standard formula. In the absence of domestic fan specifications, this paper systematically studies the mechanical properties of offshore pile-group wind power infrastructure, and the results can provide a certain reference for the design of offshore wind power infrastructure.
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