发布时间:2016-08-31 05:16
2009-7-23 11:50:08 来源:
An Analysis of Western Management Models from the Viewpoint of Human Nature Hypothesis
论文单位吉林大学,点击次数13,论文页数44页File Size480k
2004-09-01人性假设; 西方模式管理; 评析
owners; thermo-supply net reconstruction; engineering project; management mode; support system
对人性的理解是管理理论和管理模式的基础。西方学者在管理人性观方面进行了大量的研究,对管理科学发展有着重要的影响。本文对人性假设理论及西方管理模式进行系统的分析,目的在于借鉴西方管理方面的成果,结合中国实际,进一步明确我国管理改革与发展的方向,提高管理水平和工作效绩,促进社会主义事业的快速发展。西方管理心理学者认为,从传统管理到管理心理学,实际上存在着四种对人性的假设,即“经济人”、“社会人”、“自我实现人” 和“复杂人”,不同的人性假设相对应有着不同的管理模式。第一,“经济人”这是早期的人性假设。认为人的行为的主要目的是追求自身的利益,工作的动机是为了获得经济报酬。美国心理学家麦格雷戈用“X理论”概括了这一假设。基于这一假设的管理模式是“任务管理模式”,其特点是:管理的重点是效率、任务,无须考虑人的感情因素。管理就是为完成任务而计划、组织、指导、监督;管理是少数人的事,与广大员工无关,员工有责任只是听从指挥、努力工作;对人的工作行为控制主要是依靠金钱刺激和惩罚制裁,实行“胡萝卜加大棒”的控制政策。第二,“社会人”的概念是美国哈佛大学教授梅奥根据他在霍桑工厂试验的科研成果而提出的。基本观点是人类工作的主要动机,除了经济利益还在于工作的社会关系,只有满<WP=37>足职工的社会要求并有良好的人际关系,才能有效地调动职工积极性。基于这一假设的管理模式是“参与管理模式”,其特点是:管理者应把重点放在关心人、满足人的社会需求上;注重职工间的人际关系,培养和形成职工的归属感与整体感;管理者不仅要负起责任,还应在职工与上级之间充当联络人。第三,“自我实现人”这一概念是由马斯洛提出的。其观点是人除了有社会需求外,还有一种想充分表现自己的能力,发挥自己潜力的欲望。麦格雷戈用“Y理论”概括了这一假设。基于这一假设的管理模式是“民主管理模式”,其管理有如下特点:管理的重点是创造有利于职工自我实现的工作环境和条件;激励方式由“外在激励”转变为“内在激励”;管理制度趋向于让员工参与管理,自治、自决、自控。第四,“复杂人”论者认为,前三种对人性的假设都有很大的片面性。“复杂人”的观点是人不只是单纯的前三种人,而应是因时、因地、因各种情况采取适当反映的“复杂人”,这被称为“超Y理论”。 基于这一假设的管理模式是“权变的管理模式”。其管理特点是:管理措施应因人而异、因事而异、随境而异;应变并不排斥前三种管理方法,但应结合具体情况采用行之有效的管理方法。其次,本文着重评析了人性假设理论及其对应的管理模式。四种人性观及其理论、管理模式反映了西方管理心理学的人性观和管理思想的演变过程。从总体上看,这种演变概括起来表现出三种发展趋势:第一,从不重视人、不尊重人的以工作为中心的管理思想,到重视人、尊重人的以人为中心的管理思想的发展趋势。第二,从重视人的较低层次的外<WP=38>在物质需要及其满足,到重视人的较高层次的外在社会性交往需要及其满足,再到重视人的高层次的内在自我实现精神的需要及其满足的工作动机激励理论的发展趋势。第三,,从人的工作行为动机的单一因素的机械决定论观点向复杂因素的带有一定辩证思想的决定观点的发展趋势。这三种趋势反映了西方管理心理学科学研究的成果,值得我们社会主义组织管理重视、学习和借鉴。最后,根据上述利弊分析,学习和批判借鉴西方管理模式,构建我国管理理论的三点思考:第一,树立“以人为本”的管理理念。社会主义管理原则应当把建立良好的社会主义人际关系放在比物质刺激更重要的地位;社会主义管理应当用马克思主义有关人的社会性的思想指导工作组织中社会关系的分析。第二,重视“自我实现”的内在激励。社会主义管理首先应当承认自我实现的需要是人的一种自然需要,以及这种需要对人的工作动机的巨大激励作用;正确引导工作者自我实现的内容、方向和途径,自我实现需要作为一种自然需要人皆有之;在正确导向的前提下,社会主义工作组织管理应当鼓励创造良好的工作环境条件,使组织成员充分发挥潜力,表现才能;“自我实现”观点所提出的内在激励的作用也值得社会主义工作组织管理予以重视。第三,大力开展高校管理的改革。首先,中国高校管理在西方管理模式的影响下,人们的思想观念有了极大的解放和转变。高校管理日益呈现出科学化、民主化、社会化、开放化的趋势。大学管理至少应从“社会人”及“自我实现人”的人性假设理论出发。其次,目前我国许多高校管理凸显了以“社会人”、“自<WP=39>我实现人”的行为科学理论导出的管理模式,其特点:(1)高校管理者把重点放在人的因素和工作环境上,他们重视人的作用和人际关系。(2)成功的管理者都认为管理者只是人际关系的调节者,他们认为主要任务在于为如何发挥教师的才智、创造适宜的条件,减少和消除教师自我实现过程中所遇到的障碍。(3)马斯洛需求层次的主要需求,如:归属需要、自尊的需要和自我实现的需要,对高校教师群体尤为重要。总之,成功的高校管理,处于良好的协作状态。高校管理既关注学校的
The understanding of human nature is the foundation of the theories and models of management. Western theorists have completed extensive investigations concerning human nature, which influenced the practice of management. The thesis discusses western management patterns by way of analyzing theories of human nature, and tries to explore the effectiveness of the practice of management in our country.From classical management to the psychology of management, there exist four hypotheses of human nature,i.e.,economic man,social man,self-actualization man, and complex man. Each hypothesis implies a unique practice of management.“Economic man” was the earliest hypothesis. It regarded the pursuit of economic benefits as the main striving force of human behavior. Psychologist McGregor summarizes it as theory-X. The practice that corresponds this hypothesis is “task management”, which emphasizes the task and efficiency and neglects affectionate factors. In this practice, management is plan, organization, direction, and supervisior that will complete the task. It is the business for the few managers,not the business for the majority of the <WP=41>employees .The concept of “Social man” was contrived by Havvard Professor Mayo based on his Horthorne experimentations.It discloses that the main motivation for human job behavior is the satisfaction of human relations rather than economic benefits. The practice that corresponds this hypothesis is participating management, the main features of which are consideration and satisfaction of employees’ social needs and feeling of belongingness. The role for managers is the connection between employees and supervisors.The concept of “Self-actualization man” was provided by Maslow. In Maslow’view, besides social needs, human being cherishes a desire to actualize his potentials. McGregor Summarizes this hypothesis as theory-Y. The practice that corresponds this hypothesis is “democratic management”, which emphasizes the creation of beneficial environment for employees’ self-actualization. The motivation changes from the outside to the inside.The hypothesis of “complex man” regards each of the above as provincial. In this hypothesis, human being cannot be simply classified as any one category of economic man, social man, or self-actualization man. Human being’ behavior is contingent,depending on the time,the place,and other environmental factors. The practice that corresponds this hypothesis is called <WP=42>“contingent management”. In this model, the practice of management should be different for different people, different tasks, and different environments. “contingency” doesnot exclude the above three types of practice, what it emphasizes is the consideration of concrete situations. The thesis points out that the four hypotheses reflects the developmental process of managerial psychological viewpoints of human nature and the thought of management. To summarize, the development displays three tendencies. The first is the development from task-centered management to employee-centered management. The second is from catering employees’ low-level, material needs to satisfying employees’higher-level, social land self-actualizing needs. The third is concerned with the motivation of human job behavior, which moves from single factor determination to multiple factors determination. These tendencies crystalize the achievement of western managerial psychological investigation, which deserves our attention and reference.Concerning reference, the thesis provides three points of consideration.The first is to establish the managerial idea of “human-centeredness”. In our socialist system, good socialist human relationships should be freated as more important than economic, material motivation. We should guide our analysis of the social <WP=43>relations in our organizations Marxist thought of human as social beings. The second is the emphasis of the inner motivation of “self-actualization”. First of all, socialist management should admit that self-a