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In this article, according to the ambiguous idea of the relation between the risk management and the crisis management in projects at present, by analyzing the two management, the author elaborates the differences and general character in them, clears up the logical relation of them, and provides scientific basis for practice in projects management. 针对当前关于项目风险管理和危机管理关系的模糊性认识的现状 ,通过对项目风险管理和危机管理模式的对比分析 ,明确了风险、危机、灾难的逻辑演化过程 ,同时深入分析了项目风险管理和危机管理的联系与区别 ,澄清了二者之间的关系 ,为有效地进行项目风险管理和危机管理提供了有益的帮助。 短句来源 The developing trend of the management in the 21st century is the development of the innovative management,rising of the crisis management,popularization of information and knowledge and the appearance of the sustainable development management. 21世纪管理发展趋势是创新管理的发展,危机管理的兴起,信息管理和知识管理的普及,可持续发展管理的出现。 短句来源 The Theoretic Difficult Condition and Normal Form Change of the Crisis Management——Concurrently on the choice of the way to the innovation of the emergency management system of our country's government 危机管理的理论困境与范式转换——兼论我国政府应急管理制度创新的路径选择 短句来源 As far as the present state of crisis management in foreign countries is concerned,in the crisis management there still exist the central right and the de-central right of the management system; the openness and the closure of the crisis communication; 就当前国外危机管理现状而言,危机管理依然存在着管理体制上的集权与分权、危机沟通上的公开与封闭、管理路径上的归纳主义与演绎主义的理论困境和实践难题。 短句来源
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the crisis management
The crisis management literature suggests that under crisis pressures decision makers (1) develop a highly negative attitude, and (2) move toward centralizing the decision process in policy areas.
It is concluded that, when examining the crisis management operations more closely, the alleged success of Belgian disaster relief operations at Zeebrugge appears in many respects something of a myth.
We expect that a careful introduction of ICT in specific parts of the crisis management organization will improve efficiency and performance.
The team will also conduct post-incident meetings to evaluate the effectiveness of the crisis management procedures.
The kit should include key phone numbers, student rosters, and the Crisis Management Team Plan.
In this article, according to the ambiguous idea of the relation between the risk management and the crisis management in projects at present, by analyzing the two management, the author elaborates the differences and general character in them, clears up the logical relation of them, and provides scientific basis for practice in projects management.
针对当前关于项目风险管理和危机管理关系的模糊性认识的现状 ,通过对项目风险管理和危机管理模式的对比分析 ,明确了风险、危机、灾难的逻辑演化过程 ,同时深入分析了项目风险管理和危机管理的联系与区别 ,澄清了二者之间的关系 ,为有效地进行项目风险管理和危机管理提供了有益的帮助。
With the coming of the 21st century,world economy is changing into knowledge-based economy from the industry economy.The human social development also enters the fast-changing knowledge-based economy age.Management will change thoroughly.The developing trend of the management in the 21st century is the development of the innovative management,rising of the crisis management,popularization of information and knowledge and the appearance of the sustainable development management.
In the course of public crisis,it is impossible to deal with it only through the power of government,non-profit organization has its own advantages on the crisis management because of its characteristic,but there are also many insufficiencies with non-profit organizations in the crisis management and their efficiency has not been fully brought out.The article makes an analysis on the reasons of insufficiencies and suggests that the full participation of the NPO's Associations be guaranteed and therefore...
In the course of public crisis,it is impossible to deal with it only through the power of government,non-profit organization has its own advantages on the crisis management because of its characteristic,but there are also many insufficiencies with non-profit organizations in the crisis management and their efficiency has not been fully brought out.The article makes an analysis on the reasons of insufficiencies and suggests that the full participation of the NPO's Associations be guaranteed and therefore can achieve the cooperation with the government and other sectors to settle down the crisis successfully.
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