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发布时间:2018-02-27 03:08

  本文关键词: 辩证思维 思维具体原则 现代化管理理论 德鲁克管理思想 出处:《东华大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:辩证思维原则作为现代思维的最高成就之一,贯穿于人类社会实践的始终。通过对辩证思维进行研究,在思维中再现客观对象的辩证法,人类得以获取真理。而思维具体原则,则是辩证思维三条基本原则中至关重要的一条。思维具体原则通过运用矛盾分析法、分析与综合相结合的方法等对事物进行多角度、多侧面、多层次的考察,把握事物所具有的多种规定性,进而全面揭示事物的本质。 思维具体原则的特征及其作用决定了其在现代化管理中的重要地位。社会主义现代化建设离不开现代化管理,而现代化管理本身是一个涉及面非常广、内容非常多的体系。作为管理学界最有成就的学者之一,彼得·F·德鲁克(Peter·F·Druker)用其毕生的精力,系统的阐述了管理思想和管理理论。而通过对其著作进行研究,发现德鲁克的理论与思维具体原则之间有着密不可分的联系。社会化大生产的不断发展,使得企业家在进行管理时所面临的决策对象、经营环境、组织内部结构等等都呈现出日益复杂的形态,而任何一个因素对于管理者做出决策、企业制定战略规划都有着不容忽视的影响。管理者只有见微知著,全面分析矛盾、正确把握客观对象本质、充分协调各种利益因素,才能实现资源利用最优化、企业利润最大化、企业经营持续化。而思维具体原则的运用,无疑是帮助管理者实现上述目标的重要手段,德鲁克便是一个在管理中成功运用思维具体原则的典型范例。 文章以具体概念和从抽象上升到具体的方法为起点,分析思维具体原则内涵,结合现代化管理丛林中众多管理学家的理论著作,尤其以德鲁克的管理理论为例,探究思维具体原则与现代化管理之间的联系,以及思维具体原则对于现代化管理的指导作用。 本文的创新点在于将辩证逻辑中的思维具体原则与现代化管理相结合。目前,国内外研究辩证逻辑的学者很多,研究德鲁克管理思想的学者也很多,但将这二者结合起来进行研究的学者尚少,理论也不是很完善。本文通过对以德鲁克为代表的现代管理学家的理论进行分析,挖掘出思维具体原则在现代化管理中的应用实例,从而表明思维具体原则为现代化管理提供了有利的思想武器和方法论指导。 文章通过正文三个部分以及结语对以上问题和观点进行阐述,具体如下: 第一部分:首先阐述了思维具体原则的内涵,主要是通过对具体概念和从抽象上升到具体的方法进行阐述来进行。思维具体原则依靠具体概念得以展开,并依靠从抽象上升到具体的方法得以实施。这二者是思维具体原则的重要组成部分,并决定了其在辩证思维中所具有的重要地位。此部分内容为后文分析思维具体原则与现代化管理之间的联系做了理论上的铺垫。 第二部分:通过对现代管理界众多学者的著作进行分析,集中讨论了现代化管理原则与思维具体原则的内在统一。分别从现代化决策原则、现代化系统管理原则、现代化开放管理原则三个角度进行分析,探讨思维具体原则在这些领域是如何体现和运用的,并产生了什么样的影响。从而证明在我国进行现代化经济建设过程中,思维具体原则对于现代化管理的指导作用不容小觑。 第三部分:重点从当代管理学大师彼得·F·德鲁克先生的著作出发,探讨其管理理论与管理思想中所蕴含的思维具体原则。通过对其理论进行研究,挖掘出他利用思维全面性、过程性、系统性和综合性来进行现代化管理的典型实例,进而表明思维具体原则在现代化管理中所具有的现实意义,这也是本文的目的所在。 在结语部分,总括了全文要旨,确认了思维具体原则与现代化管理所具有的密不可分的意义,进而认为,在不断变化的管理界,思维具体原则将持续发挥其指导性的作用。
[Abstract]:The principle of dialectical thinking as one of the highest achievements of modern thinking, through the practice of human society. Through the study of dialectical thinking, dialectical thinking in representing the object of human to get the truth. And the specific thinking principle, this principle is crucial in dialectical thinking three groups. A specific thinking principle by using the method of contradiction analysis, combined with the comprehensive analysis method of multi angle, multi side of things, multi-level inspection, grasp the various provisions of objects, and reveal the essence of things.
The characteristics and effect of the concrete thought principle determines its important position in modern management. The construction of socialist modernization cannot do without modern management, modern management itself is a very wide, very much. As one of the most successful management of academic scholars, Peter - F - Drucker (Peter F - Druker) in its lifetime, expounds the system of management theory and management theory. By the research of his works, it is found that there is a close relationship between the theory and the specific thinking principle of Drucker. The continuous development of social production, so that entrepreneurs face in management decision-making, management the environment, organization structure and so on an increasingly complicated form, and any one of the factors for managers to make decisions, making enterprise strategy planning can not be ignored. Managers only corners, a comprehensive analysis of the contradiction, correctly grasp the essence of the object, the full coordination of various interest factors, in order to realize the optimization of resource utilization, the enterprise profit maximization, enterprise management continuously. The application of the principle and concrete thinking, is undoubtedly an important means to help the managers to achieve the above goals, Drucker is a typical example of success the use of the specific thinking principle in management.
Based on the specific concepts and specific methods from abstract thinking as a starting point, analysis of specific connotation of the principle, combined with the theoretical writings of the numerous scholars of modern management in the jungle, especially in Drucker's management theory, for example, to explore the specific thinking principle and modern management of the relation between thinking and specific principles for guidance of modern management.
The innovation of this thesis is the concrete thinking principle and modern management of dialectical logic in combination. At present, scholars study of dialectical logic in many domestic and foreign scholars, on Drucker's management thought a lot, but the combination of the two studies are few scholars, the theory is not perfect. In this paper, through the analysis of to Drucker as the representative of the modern management theory, dig out the application specific thinking principle in the modern management, so that the specific thinking principle for the modernization management guidance provides an ideological weapon favorable and methodology.
The article expounds the above questions and views through three parts of the text and concluding remarks, which are as follows:
The first part: firstly expounds the connotation of the specific thinking principle, mainly through the specific concept and from abstract to concrete method carries on the elaboration to the specific thinking principle. Rely on the specific concept unfolded, and rely on the method of from abstract to concrete implementation. The two is an important part of the specific thinking principle. And its important position in the dialectical thinking. The content of this part is the analysis of the specific thinking principle and modern management with the theoretical groundwork.
The second part: through the analysis of many modern scholars in the field of management work, focuses on the inherent unity of modern management principles and specific principles of thinking. From the modern decision-making principle, system of modern management principles, management principles of modern open three angles to carry on the analysis, to explore the specific thinking principle is how to embody and apply in these areas and, what kind of impact. So that in the modernization of our country in the process of economic construction, the specific thinking principle of guidance for modern management should not be underestimated.
The third part: mainly from the contemporary management guru Peter F Mr. Drucker's works based on thinking behind the specific principles of management theory and management thinking in. Through the research on its theory, dig out his use of comprehensive thinking, of course, a typical example of systematic and comprehensive to modern management and then indicates the practical significance of the specific thinking principle in modern management, which is the purpose of this article.
In the epilogue, we summarize the main points of the whole paper, confirm the inseparable meaning of the concrete principles of thinking and modern management, and further conclude that in the changing management world, the concrete principles of thinking will continue to play a guiding role.



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1 张隆高;德鲁克的管理思想[J];南开管理评论;1999年03期

2 罗珉;;论德鲁克实践性管理理论的张力[J];外国经济与管理;2007年09期

3 张越;;管理者必须学会做到卓有成效——彼得·德鲁克“有效的管理者”管理思想解析[J];现代管理科学;2006年12期




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