[Abstract]:Chinese society is in a period of major adjustment, and various new problems emerge in endlessly. It is time for philosophical reflection and reflection. Some scholars from the philosophy Department of Renmin University of China are invited to discuss some important philosophical frontier issues and emerging philosophical issues. "Why can't Marxist philosophy be equated with Science?" on the Innovation of Marxist philosophy in China at present. Based on the texts of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, etc. This paper combs the relationship between Marxist philosophy and science and puts forward that we should innovate Marxist philosophy in Chinese context under the new historical conditions. The orientation of Chinese philosophy itself and how Chinese philosophy confirms its right to speak in academic system has obviously become an important topic in the domestic philosophy circles in the past decade. In "on the basic problems of Chinese philosophy", Song Zhiming pointed out that we must find the basic problems of Chinese philosophy itself and conduct in-depth research in order to write a "history of Chinese philosophy" worthy of its name. It is not written as "the history of a certain philosophy in China"; The basic problem of Chinese philosophy should be the relationship between man and nature. Qian Chunsong's "the World" and "China": the Chinese philosophy for Breakthrough-A scan of the Chinese philosophy turn in the past decade, "in response to the latter question," The author thinks that the discussion of the confusion of the identity of Chinese philosophy and the phenomenon of superposition of multiple identities in Chinese philosophy reflect the great change in the way of thinking of Chinese philosophers: they are no longer satisfied with the simple "splicing" under the framework of western philosophy. They try to raise their own questions, among which the discussion on the concept of "world state" is particularly striking. In the field of emerging philosophy, there are many problems worth reflecting and combing. Li Ping's some Frontier problems of Management Ethics, starting with the analysis of the subject attributes of management ethics, show that the generative norm theory should become the basic position of management ethics research. Lin Mei-mao 's "the present situation and basic viewpoints of Public philosophy in Japan", introduces the present research situation of Japanese public philosophy and the related frontier problems, which has important academic reference value. Huang Xiao-yan 's "from leading philosophy to leading philosophy" reveals the essence of leading philosophy from the standpoint of subject theory.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学哲学院;
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