[摘 要] 云计算所具备的高效数据处理能力及灵活的营运模式得到各领域学者的广泛关注,政府和相关企业也在积极构建和完善自己的云平台。将云计算引入工程造价信息管理领域,借助先进的计算机技术提升工程造价信息管理的水平,研究分析云计算所具备的典型特点及优势,总结分析现阶段我国工程造价信息管理存在的问题。在此基础上,提出云计算在工程造价信息管理中的应用模式。
[关键词] 云计算;工程造价;信息管理;数据挖掘
Abstract: Cloud computing is widely recommended by experts in different fields for its efficient data-proceeding capacity and flexibility. Government authorities and relevant enterprises are trying to build their own cloud and to make it perfect. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the cloud computing into project cost information management and enhance the standard of project cost information management by this technique. Therefore, typical characteristics and superiorities of cloud computing are highlighted in this research. On the other hand, existing problems of project cost information management in China are indentified. Based on above findings, the corresponding application model using cloud computing for project cost information management is proposed.
Key words: cloud computing; project cost; information management; data mining
[1]美国国家标准与技术研究所关于云计算的定义[R].http://groups.Goolge.com/cloudforum/web/nist-working-definition-of cloud-computing.