本文关键词:移动情境下的交互流体验研究 出处:《浙江工业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Mobile situation is one of the important factors affecting the user experience of mobile smart devices, interaction design and user experience by the attention of researchers. The flow experience is first proposed by Mihaly, it is likely to experience a unique physical and mental experience of people engaged in their favorite work, it often makes people forget to eat and sleep, regardless of the return dedication, and happiness within this unique experience. They will call flow (Flow). This study attempts to move the situation and flow experience (the flow experience) are combined for the mobile scenario, using the characteristics of mobile devices, as well as touch interaction structure and analysis of the mobile terminal flow experience, flow experience to provide some guidelines for the design of interactive designers to achieve heart, make mobile applications more lively and interesting. The main work and results are as follows: firstly, through comprehensive He explores the flow experience, relevant literature and mobile context interaction flow system, flow experience is a good user experience. The dimension of evaluation in the field of psychology of traditional tube, flow experience have been well studied, but in the field of design, especially the mobile application design, flow experience is still a new face. Especially the design of mobile applications, the flow theory has yet to play a role, so we boldly try PC end flow experience of using a combination of features of the mobile context, to explore the mobile terminal flow structure and implementation. Secondly, we use the flow experience questionnaire for users on social networking, games and e-commerce three mobile application flow experience evaluation, selected the most with three flow experience representative applications: WeChat, COC Taobao mobile phone. Tribal conflict, combined with the user on the flow experience The designer of the two aspects of evaluation and assessment of the design and implementation of mutual verification. Thirdly, we collected all kinds of mobile and interactive design flow experience about design elements, for different mobile application scenarios were recruited (Interface) interaction designers of all the design elements in evaluation, through exploratory factor analysis of four factors: rich feedback rich, interactive, dynamic effect guide, user oriented. Finally, based on these four factors of the load calculation of the three application scores of radar chart analysis and comparison of competing products. Then 3 kinds of mobile application flow experience related factors score results are plotted in the radar chart, competing goods analysis. So each section of the mobile application the advantages and disadvantages of APP at a glance, interaction designers can directly take the results as the evaluation of a mobile application APP flow experience or through related tools. The study will flow experience with mobile situations are explored, established guidelines for assessing the APP mobile application flow experience, so as to provide the impetus for the development and design of mobile application software, from the theoretical and empirical study for mobile end flow theory has opened up a new path, but also enrich the theoretical research on Mobile context flow.
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