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发布时间:2018-01-09 10:32

  本文关键词:面向订单式制造企业车间物料准时配送系统研究 出处:《山东大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 物料准时配送 RFID 电子看板 配送模型 实施方案

[Abstract]:To order the production of discrete manufacturing enterprises, mostly adopt multi varieties, small batch mixed production mode, to consumers more personalized products, diversified requirements. In order for the manufacturing enterprises in the production process, the workshop, the material variety, quantity, processing time is not fixed such problems, therefore, the design of a complete set of workshop material delivery plan and intelligent material delivery system to ensure the smooth running of pull production mode. The traditional distribution, periodical distribution and distribution are passive, often is not timely delivery, not accurate, unreasonable phenomenon, resulting in line inventory shortage or backlog. The JIT material distribution of lack of real-time status, not a complete set of effective implementation scheme for the above. The research status, this paper made a research on the following parts: (1) research on the key technology and method of material delivery system. In order to solve the problem of material delivery in real-time material data information collection and optimal delivery time window and do the best distribution quantity. This paper starts from the first workshop material delivery in several key issues study: delivery time, number of times. By using the method of improved time penalty function formula and analysis chart combining the optimal delivery time, the best delivery quantity. At the same time, according to "a car" the idea of minimum distribution planning trips, the use of high moral map of the working principle of the optimal path planning, then RFID, real data monitoring, real-time data acquisition technology and electronic Kanban based on tracing function, avoid the lag of transfer material distribution information, and the material distribution Delivery is not timely, accurate, unreasonable phenomenon. (2) research on time distribution model of multi-objective shop material. Influence of material delivery of some dynamic factors, often in the actual production process such as: real time working condition, emergency inserting, change position adjustment. The dynamic impact factors will bring the cost of delivery, delivery cycle, change the distribution of trips, so this paper set the shortest delivery time, delivery times and at least the minimum distribution cost for multi target, set up the material delivery multi-objective mathematical model, and use PSO to optimize the distribution of the improved hybrid model. Two pressure guide and production to a papermaking machinery company as the actual case, case analysis, and the model was verified by the MATLAB simulation software. (3) the implementation of a design workshop material delivery system. In order to solve the JIT production system The lack of mode, establish a set of effective overall implementation of the programme in material distribution information management ideas. This paper specially according to the material delivery of some of the key technologies and methods, as well as the material delivery model, scheme design of a complete set of workshop material delivery system, and the flow chart of 2D, 3D the more the image describe the operation process. At the same time, the implementation scheme for the design of the workshop material delivery system, a prototype system is constructed by using UML.VS2005 and SQL2008 modeling tool, the correctness and feasibility of the design are verified.



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