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发布时间:2018-01-12 04:20

  本文关键词:基于服务设计思维的中小企业产品开发策略研究 出处:《华东理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 服务设计 中小企业 产品开发

[Abstract]:Small and medium-sized enterprises have become an important structure of our economy, which has created more than 60% gross domestic product. Small and medium-sized enterprises are the largest and most innovative group of enterprises in China, promoting economic growth. Increasing tax revenue, absorbing employment and improving people's livelihood play an irreplaceable role. The state also attaches great importance to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, whether in developed or developing countries. The status of small and medium-sized enterprises in the national economy is not to be ignored. Nowadays, people pay much more attention to service than to the industrial products themselves. Product development enterprises tend to focus on the investment of product development in the industrial product itself, more strength and scale, will put more cost into the marketing behavior, for the design and development around the whole service. There are still more shortcomings in understanding, this phenomenon is especially reflected in the process of product development of SMEs. It can be said that at present SMEs are facing the major opportunities and challenges of transformation. To help small and medium-sized enterprises to explore a new way of development has become the most important, and the use of service design thinking may help SMEs to open up ideas, so as to better find the right method in the process of product development. Grasp the market opportunity, survive in the tide of transformation. This paper will explore the innovative thinking and methods of service design, combined with the characteristics of the product development of small and medium-sized enterprises. This paper summarizes and analyzes a set of product development strategies suitable for its own attributes, and finds a new business model and new profit point.


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