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发布时间:2018-01-14 14:45

  本文关键词:地裂缝环境下埋地管道性状的模型试验研究 出处:《长安大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 埋地管道 地裂缝 模型试验 影响机制 破坏模式

[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, various buried pipeline systems, such as gas, heat, water supply, sewage pipe and so on, which are the lifeline of the city, are becoming more and more important. In order to maintain the normal operation of urban residents, it plays a vital role. However, as a world famous city, Xi'an, urban construction and people's production and life have been seriously threatened by the geological hazards of ground fissures. There are 14 ground fissures in Xi'an area, extending more than 100km, covering more than 150km2. From northeast to southwest, they are distributed in urban areas, parallel distribution, different from the general buildings. As a kind of linear engineering, urban underground pipe network can not be used in design and construction as other individual buildings. Ground fissures pose a serious safety hazard to the large-scale urban pipeline network in Xi'an. This paper takes the underground pipeline network in Xi'an as the research background. On the basis of collecting the data of underground pipeline failure caused by ground fissure activity, the large-scale subsidence platform and model box system developed by Changan University are used. The full-scale physical simulation test of the old cement pipeline and the new steel wire mesh skeleton plastic composite pipe under the ground crack environment was carried out. The stress situation, deformation and failure mode of the underground pipeline under the action of the ground crack were analyzed. It is concluded that in the active area of ground fissures, when the differential settlement of local cracks reaches 6 cm, regardless of the way of laying on or on the seams, the differential settlement of the local cracks is up to 6 cm. The replacement of the old cement pipe can be considered. The physical simulation test and numerical calculation results of the new steel wire mesh skeleton plastic composite pipe can be considered. It is found that the influence of ground fissures on this kind of pipeline is mainly concentrated in the area of 1m to 2m. The calculation method of pipe-soil interaction force of this kind of pipeline is put forward. The obtained results have important guiding significance for Xi'an city pipe network construction and old pipe network reconstruction. It also has reference value for pipeline engineering construction in other areas where ground fissures are developed in China.


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