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发布时间:2018-01-15 05:01

  本文关键词:柔性作业车间分批调度研究 出处:《合肥工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 分批调度 柔性作业车间 关键路径 并行工序

[Abstract]:Production scheduling is an important part of production management in manufacturing workshop. Considering the constraints of materials, equipment and personnel, the production scheduling can reasonably arrange the products to be processed on the machine. In order to achieve the goal of optimizing the scheduling index, the flexible job shop batch scheduling problem is the most close to the actual job shop scheduling model at the present stage. In the flexible job shop batch scheduling problem, batch and batch scheduling are two important modules. In this paper, the optimization of these two problems is given. The main content includes the following points: 1) in view of the current flexible job shop batch scheduling model does not consider the workshop workpiece process processing parallelism. A new scheduling model-batch scheduling model in flexible job shop is proposed. Then according to the difference of batch object and workshop production mode, it is divided into workpiece based batch scheduling and process based batch scheduling, and the characteristics of these two batch schemes are analyzed and modeled. According to the randomness of job batching in job batch scheduling, a heuristic and feedback method is used to batch different jobs, which makes the batches have directivity. And the predictability of search space; For the batch process, due to the increase of all the parallelism processing processes after the batch, so in the genetic algorithm solution process, a decoding method is proposed to solve the workpiece process parallelism. It not only shortens the workshop processing time, but also reduces the workshop management complexity. 3) aiming at the mass customization workshop, it abstracts from the mass processing mode of the products and the inflexibility of the workpiece batching. In this paper, a flexible job shop batch scheduling method based on working procedure is proposed, which abstracts the workpiece into batch and composite processing of multiple processes. Firstly, a batch scheme based on critical path is proposed to solve the problem of process batching. Then, the scheduling procedure is determined by dynamic updating process set and machine selection strategy, and the batch scheme and scheduling arrangement are obtained.


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