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发布时间:2018-01-23 03:15

  本文关键词: R32 制冷剂 喷液技术 排气温度 压缩机运行图 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前我国60%的制冷设备使用R22作为冷媒,但由于R22在国外属于禁用制冷剂,导致我国大部分的设备无法出口外销。虽然R404a、R410a、R407c可以作为R22的替代品,但这些制冷剂都在国外注册了专利,价格十分昂贵,此外,为了使这些替代制冷剂达到最佳性能,国内厂家需要重新设计与之相匹配的机组。这些因素严重阻碍了中国制冷空调行业的发展。 R32制冷剂作为R22制冷剂潜在的代替制冷剂,在环保性能及安全性能方面有着极大的优势,而且不涉及专利问题。在同样的制冷系统中,R32的制冷剂充注量仅为R410a的70%,但其制冷能力要强于R410a。因此R32制冷剂极有可能成为未来制冷剂发展的方向。 虽然有以上优点,但是在热物性方面,R32却有着严重的缺陷,在同样的工况下,采用R32制冷剂的系统其排气温度比采用R410a的系统高出约20℃。由于系统的排气温度过高,,当在热泵工况下运行时极有可能因为高温而损害压缩机。因此在现有的压缩机设计基础上,R32制冷剂无法直接应用在热泵机组上。为了增大R32制冷剂的工作范围,必须对现有的压缩机进行设计上的改进以降低其排气温度。 本文分析了喷液技术、蒸汽喷射技术、湿蒸汽吸入技术等常用的降低压缩机排气温度的方法,综合分析后发现喷液技术在能够保持制冷能力的同时增大了压缩机的运行范围,并且兼具管路布置简单、系统成本低、可靠性高等多方面的优点,因此最终决定使用喷液技术对压缩机进行改进。 本课题在某公司压缩机量热器实验台上进行了大量实验,并且根据实验结果绘制出压缩机运行图,发现采用喷液技术后,压缩机的工作范围得到了大幅提升,其提升范围约为20%-30%。因此喷液技术可以作为降低R32制冷剂压缩机排气温度的有效手段运用于热泵系统中。
[Abstract]:At present, R22 is used as refrigerant in 60% refrigeration equipment in our country, but because R22 is banned in foreign countries, most of the equipments in our country can not be exported for export, although R404aU R410a. R407c can be used as an alternative to R22, but these refrigerants are patented abroad and are very expensive, in addition, in order to achieve the best performance of these alternative refrigerants. Domestic manufacturers need to redesign the matching units. These factors seriously hinder the development of China's refrigeration and air conditioning industry. R32 refrigerant as a potential alternative refrigerant R22 refrigerant has great advantages in environmental performance and safety performance and does not involve patent issues in the same refrigeration system. The refrigerant charge of R32 is only 70% of that of R410a, but its refrigerant capacity is stronger than that of R410a. Therefore, R32 refrigerant is likely to be the future direction of refrigerant development. In spite of the above advantages, the R32 has serious defects in terms of thermal properties, under the same working conditions. The exhaust temperature of the system using R32 refrigerant is about 20 鈩




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