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发布时间:2018-03-14 10:30

  本文选题:海岛滑坡 切入点:北长山岛 出处:《国家海洋局第一海洋研究所》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In order to probe into the formation reason, development trend and main influencing factors of island landslide geological hazard, this paper relies on the special scientific research project of "Monitoring and early warning of typical Island Geological hazards in China", which is a special scientific research project of marine public welfare industry. Based on field investigation, 3D laser scanning, UAV remote sensing, real-time monitoring system and other methods, the slope, elevation, surface morphology and volume of the main landslide body in Houcun quarry of Hou Village, North Changshandao Mountain, were studied. At the same time, according to the two methods of landslide spatial identification and landslide state, the landslide body occurrence is early warning, and the warning information is issued. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the three dimensional laser scanning data of different periods are studied and compared. The results show that the quarrying activities result in significant changes in the shape of the main landslide body, in which the volume of the landslide body decreases during the quarrying period. The depth of variation in the sag area and the foot of the slope is more than 10 m, while the volume of the landslide body in the period of stoping is generally expanding, the depth of the landslide body is 0 ~ 5 m, the volume at the foot of the slope decreases slightly under extreme weather conditions, the upper mountain body of the main landslide body expands, and the gravel accumulates at the foot of the slope. The mean thickness is about 2 m, and the area of volume reduction is concentrated in the middle of the area.) the slope of the study area decreases obviously under extreme weather conditions, and the slope of the middle part of the area changes seriously, with an average change of about 20 掳.) based on the UAV remote sensing image, the slope of the study area decreases obviously under extreme weather conditions. The height variation of landslide area from June 2012 to August 2013 is analyzed. The height of the main landslide area is reduced by about 5 m, and that of the southern landslide area is accumulated, with an average increase of 2 m. Moreover, the monitoring results of the real time monitoring system for the development of wedge-shaped grooves at the top of the main landslide show that: 1) affected by the newly developed joints, the northwestern and central areas of the cracks on the top of the landslide slip obviously. The maximum displacement value is about 230 mm, and the variation range in the southeast is small.) from the point of view of temporal variation characteristics, the landslide deformation period is divided into three stages: slow change, rapid change and steady change, of which the period from July 13th 2013 to July 31st 2013 is the rapid deformation period. The maximum displacement rate can be up to 29 mm / d ~ (4)) according to the cause of the landslide and the main influencing factors in the study area, two methods of landslide spatial identification and landslide state warning are used to warn the landslide body, among which, Landslide spatial identification and early warning are mainly based on landslide characteristics such as back edge crack wedge-groove landslide boundary landslide rock composition and internal weak structural plane to determine landslide occurrence and potential occurrence area. The landslide state early warning takes the daily rainfall, the sliding rate, the cumulative displacement as the early warning index, establishes the corresponding threshold value, publishes the early warning information. (5) based on the above research results, it is suggested that the monitoring and early warning should be strengthened first, while the quarrying activities should be banned. Then strengthen the other features of landslide monitoring and prevention.


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