发布时间:2018-04-17 15:24
本文选题:老年人 + 科技接受度 ; 参考:《北京理工大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:生活环境包括空间环境、基础设施环境和科技环境,生活环境的质量在很大程度上影响着人们的生活质量。 在构成科技环境的诸多具体科学技术中,信息科技因其已经和正在广泛、深入地融入人们的社会生活,成为最具有代表性的和最具影响力的科学技术,特别是信息通讯技术(Information Communication Technology--ICT)及产品的广泛应用,为人们的工作和学习带来诸多便利,改变着我们的生活面貌和生活方式,成为全面发展的信息社会最显著的特征之一。 然而信息技术的飞速发展尚未能够给老年人群带来平等的利用机会,由于各种原因这一人群被不同程度地挡在了这个飞速发展的资讯社会之外。包括我们的调研在内的诸多研究表明,相当多的老年人仍只能固守着传统的资讯传播手段、社会交流方式,与信息社会、科技生活渐行渐远。与此同时,ICT技术日渐发展成熟,为建设面向老年人群的医疗卫生保健等信息服务系统提供了新的可能性和手段,当各国均已开始展开相关领域的研究和尝试性应用时,接受和掌握信息科技产品,对于老年人群已经不仅仅是丰富生活的手段之一,而将日渐成为‘必需’。如果以计算机、互联网为代表的ICT产品不能在老年人群中得到广泛应用,意味着老年人难以平等享受信息科技发展带来的效率的提高、安全性的提高等便利,而难以融入信息社会,也令老年人群产生挫败感、对其自我评价产生负面影响,影响了老年人科技生活环境的质量,进而影响了老年人群生活质量的提高。 本文以探索影响老年人接受和使用信息科技产品的因素为出发点,基于技术接受模型(TAM)理论及衍生体系,从用户特征和产品特征两个角度,研究、辨析了影响老年人接受和使用信息科技产品的因素,并尝试建立了面向老年人的信息科技接受模型(TechnologyAcceptance Model for Seniors, TAMS),提出感知有用性、感知易用性、社会影响和帮助便利性是影响老年人接受信息科技的使用动机和使用行为的核心因素,老年用户主体的人机特征、产品客体的经验兼容性等设计特征对感知有用性和感知易用性有重要影响。TAMS拓展了TAM理论体系的研究范围,进一步丰富了面向老年用户的可用性研究。 在此过程中,结合信息科技产品的使用,文章较为系统地整理、分析了人机工程学、认知心理学等学科关于老年人群的感知、认知能力等人机特征的研究成果,明确了老年人虽然总体智力水平有所下降,但并非所有的方面都在下降,当以知觉速度、工作记忆为代表的流体智力出现明显衰退的时候,以经验、知识,以及语言能力等为代表的晶体智力却有可能得到保持,甚至有所增长,因此以为年龄增长意味着各方面能力全面衰退的看法并不全面。 文章在用户特征分析中,还借鉴了发展心理学、老年学、老年心理学等学科领域的研究理念,尝试了更全面地对老年人群的社会特征,即成长的时代背景带来的群体特征做了较为深入的分析,从代际教育资源差异、信息科技的爆炸式发展、健康状况以及生活环境的影响等方面分析了老年人的社会特征对其学习能力、知识结构等带来的影响,从而进一步丰富了关于这一人群的用户研究。 文章的最后部分根据所建立的面向老年人群的信息技术接受模型(TAMS),结合老年人的人群特征提出设计对策。文章指出,作为设计者,在信息科技产品的设计和开发中,应更充分细致地了解老年人哪些方面的能力有所衰退,哪些方面的能力得以保持,,而不应仅仅强调其由于年龄增长带来的能力衰退的一面。在信息科技产品的设计中,充分发挥老年人仍然得以保持的能力,尽量避免或减少对有所衰退的能力的要求,开发符合老年人需求的产品、设计符合老年人认知特征的交互方式,从而通过改善产品的感知有用性和感知易用性,帮助和鼓励老年用户接受和使用信息科技产品。 在面向老年人群的信息科技产品的设计和开发中,如何改善相关产品的设计,无疑还有很多研究工作要做。本文以人机工程学、发展心理学、认知心理学、老年心理学以及设计心理学等学科研究成果为依托,以TAM理论体系为平台和借鉴,探讨了老年人接受信息科技的影响因素、老年人的用户特征发展,并提出相应的设计对策,抛砖引玉,希望能够为面向老年人的信息科技产品的设计研究提供参考。
[Abstract]:The living environment includes the space environment , the infrastructure environment and the science and technology environment , and the quality of the living environment affects people ' s quality of life to a great extent .
In many specific science and technology that constitute the science and technology environment , the information science and technology has become the most representative and influential science and technology , especially the Information Communication Technology - ICT and the wide application of the products , so as to bring great convenience to people ' s work and learning , and change our way of life and life and become one of the most prominent characteristics of the information society .
However , the rapid development of information technology has not yet been able to bring about equal opportunities for the elderly to take advantage of the rapid development of information society .
In this paper , the factors influencing the acceptance and use of information technology products for the elderly are explored . Based on the theory and derivative system of the technology acceptance model ( TAM ) , the factors that affect the acceptance and use of information technology products for the elderly are studied .
In this process , combined with the use of information science and technology products , the article systematically collated and analyzed the research results of man - machine characteristics such as man - machine engineering and cognitive psychology on the perception and cognitive ability of the elderly .
In the analysis of the characteristics of the user , the paper also draws on the research concept in the fields of developmental psychology , gerontology , and old psychology , and attempts to analyze the social characteristics of the elderly population more comprehensively , that is , the group characteristics brought by the development of the age background , analyses the influence of the social characteristics of the old people on the learning ability , knowledge structure and so on from the differences of the intergenerational education resources , the explosive development of the information technology , the health status and the influence of the living environment , and further enriches the user research on this population .
In the design and development of information science and technology products , the author points out that in the design and development of information science and technology products , it is necessary to know more and more about the ability of the old people to decline . In the design of information science and technology products , we should give full play to the ability of the old people to maintain , try to avoid or reduce the demand for the ability to decline , develop products which meet the needs of the elderly , and design the interactive mode which accords with the cognitive characteristics of the elderly , so as to help and encourage the old users to accept and use the information technology products by improving the perceived usefulness and usability of the products .
Based on the research results of man - machine engineering , developmental psychology , cognitive psychology , old psychology and design psychology , this paper discusses the influencing factors of the old people ' s acceptance of information technology , the user characteristic development of the elderly , and puts forward the corresponding design countermeasures , which can provide reference for the design study of the information technology products facing the elderly .
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