本文选题:短基线集 + 鲜水河断裂 ; 参考:《现代地质》2017年05期
[Abstract]:The Xianshuihe fault zone is an important boundary fault in the Sichuan-Yunnan block in the eastern part of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. It has been active since Holocene, and the structure of rock and soil along the fault zone has been broken up. Landslide, debris flow and other geological disasters along the fault zone have high density and serious harm. On the basis of previous studies, using the method of SBAS-InSAR), based on the 15 PALSAR data obtained from Japan Earth observation Satellite (ALOS-1) for the period 2007-2011, the activity rate from Daofu to Ruhuo in the Xianshuihe fault zone is analyzed and calculated. The time series deformation characteristics of creeping landslide in this fault zone are obtained. The results show that the creep slip is dominant in the Daofu to Luoho section of the Xianshuihe fault zone in recent years, and the creep slip rate is 9.4 卤0.78 mm / a. The creeping slip of the fault plays an important role in controlling the regional tectonic stress field and the landslide in the fault zone. The closer it is to the Xianshuihe fault zone, the stronger the coherence between the images is, the more stable coherent points are, the better the interference effect is, and the greater the cumulative displacement of landslide sliding is. A total of 98 creep-slip landslides were identified along the Xianshuihe fault from Daofu to Luohuo and distributed linearly along both sides of the Xianshuihe fault zone. The surface deformation characteristics of typical creep landslides were analyzed. The radar data processing method based on SBAS-InSAR can effectively analyze the slow deformation of the surface and the law of development and change of regional creeping landslide. The results are helpful to the study of geological hazards along the Xianshuihe fault zone and similar tectonic activities.
【作者单位】: 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所;中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院;国土资源部新构造运动与地质灾害重点实验室;
【基金】:中国地质调查局项目(12120113038000) 国家自然科学基金项目(41402321) 中铁二院科研计划项目(二院科字201303)
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