本文选题:多目标优化 + 差分进化算法 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As a branch of job shop scheduling problem, the scheduling problem of mixed flow assembly line plays an important role in whether the mixed flow assembly line can play a role reasonably and efficiently. Reasonable sequencing scheme can reduce the production cost, reduce the inventory of WIP and finished products to zero inventory, and realize just-in-time production, which can effectively improve the market competitiveness of enterprises. Mixed-flow assembly line scheduling problem has been recognized as NP-hard problem, has been widely concerned by researchers in recent decades. In this paper, the problem of single objective and multi-objective optimization for mixed flow assembly line is studied. In view of the fact that the previous studies only considered the influence of the belt interruption time on the mixed flow assembly line and neglected the cost waste caused by the workers' idle time, the paper proposed that different weight coefficients should be assigned to the conveyor belt interruption time and the workers' idle time. Optimize it as an overall goal. At the same time, considering the influence of the product switching time on the belt interruption time, the corresponding mixed flow assembly line single objective optimization model is established, and the differential evolution algorithm and genetic algorithm are used to solve the problem, respectively. The advantages and disadvantages of the two algorithms are analyzed and compared based on the simulation experiments. Based on the above single-objective optimization model, a multi-objective optimization model for mixed-flow assembly line is established with the objectives of minimization of belt interruption time and workers' idle time, minimization of product switching time and minimization of advance / delay completion time. In order to solve the problem of multi-objective problems, a modified two-species differential evolutionary algorithm is proposed to solve multi-objective problems, which is easy to lose part of the non-dominated solution of the differential evolution algorithm and the two-species differential evolution algorithm. Using an auxiliary population to preserve the abandoned non-dominant solution in the selection process, and comparing the individual in the auxiliary population with the parent population and the individual of the main population at random, the better individuals are selected to enter the next generation. In this way, the abandonment rate of the nondominant solution is reduced. In order to preserve the non-dominated solution generated in the iterative process as much as possible, it is proposed that the parent population, the non-dominant individuals of the main population and the auxiliary population be selected to enter the next generation of heredity directly when the algorithm iterates a certain number of times. Finally, compared with NSGA II, differential evolution algorithm and double population differential evolution algorithm, the proposed improved double population differential evolution algorithm has good performance in solving multi-objective problems.
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