本文选题:欧洲中世纪 + 全身钣金甲 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:中世纪相对于希腊罗马时代更接近于现代,因此欧美现代文明受到中世纪的影响更加深远,尤其在艺术及各种产业方面,很多的艺术作品及产品都有着浓浓的中世纪风采。当今的很多产品设计及标识设计产品亦是直接受到了中世纪风格的影响,,而什么是中世纪,中世纪的风格从哪里影响着产品和标识的设计,这些都要从欧洲中世纪的骑士阶层的思想及他们所使用的一些事物中而来。 骑士的产生和发展是欧洲历史发展过程当中一项非常重要的事件,其对欧洲历史的影响是方方面面的,不仅从社会生活方面,艺术、手工业、工业等方面也受到骑士阶层生活方式及精神层次的影响,时至今日,全球经济一体化的格局也使得欧洲中世纪文化的影响潜移默化的影响到了全球的文化发展。 中世纪时期,由于领主混战,骑士阶层成了社会的主要力量,骑士阶层的很多行为和思想逐渐影响到了社会生活的方方面面。骑士们所使用的武器装备及在作战中所衍生的很多物品或符号及精神方面的事物逐渐被普通大众所接受和使用。在与骑士相关的诸多事物当中,骑士所使用的全身钣金甲及骑士家族或领主所使用的纹章这两类事物,对于后世的产品设计及标识设计的影响较大。而在这些装备和文章当中,有着众多的风格和类别,对于对欧洲铠甲手工业和纹章学不甚了解的学者来说初次接触时难免会产生毫无头绪的感觉,因此必须首先要清晰的阐述欧洲中世纪全身钣金甲及纹章的发展。 随着全球一体化程度的加深,我国的产品设计业也越来越深的收到国际产品设计风格的影响。但是目前国内很多产品设计当中对于中国传统元素的应用仍然处在浮于表面的程度,很多民族的文化的精髓的元素仍然只被生硬的套用在产品之上,而没有从这些文化元素的深层次去挖掘研究;另一方面,反观欧美等西方国家的优秀设计,往往在充满了现代感和科技感的同时,也处处闪耀着西方古代文化的光辉,欧洲对于古代文化的保护和精神层次的发掘在一定层次上要优于我国目前的现状。 本课题目的的便在于,通过对西方中世纪骑士装备及其衍生而出的纹章对现代设计的影响,分析我国在对古代文化元素的应用上应当学习的部分,以此探讨出一种深层挖掘和应用我国古代文化设计元素的方法,使得我国的本土设计在对传统文化元素进行应用时,不仅仅是对与表面显见的图形文字符号进行应用,而是从深层次的精神方面对文化元素进行剖析理解,进而使所设计制造的产品不仅在造型上有显著的中国特色,也能在艺术精神上充分的显现中国风,达到一种形神兼备的境界。
[Abstract]:The Middle Ages were closer to the modern times than the Greek-Roman era, so the modern civilization in Europe and America was influenced more deeply by the Middle Ages, especially in the art and various industries, many works of art and products had a strong medieval style. Many of today's product design and logo design products are also directly affected by the medieval style, and what is the Middle Ages, where the medieval style affects the product and logo design, All this came from the ideas of the knighthood of the Middle Ages in Europe and some of the things they used. The emergence and development of knights is a very important event in the course of the development of European history. Its influence on European history is in all respects, not only from the aspects of social life, art, handicraft industry, but also from the aspects of social life, art and handicraft. Industry is also influenced by chivalry life style and spiritual level. To this day, the pattern of global economic integration also makes the influence of European medieval culture imperceptible to the global cultural development. In the Middle Ages, the knighthood class became the main force of the society, and a lot of the behavior and thought of the chivalry class gradually affected all aspects of the social life. The weapons and equipment used by the knights and many of the objects or symbols and spiritual things derived from combat were gradually accepted and used by the general public. Among the many things related to knights, the whole body sheet metal armour used by knights and the heraldry used by knights or lords have a great influence on the product design and logo design of later generations. In these articles and equipment, there are many styles and categories. For scholars who do not know much about the European armour handicraft industry and heraldry, it is inevitable that when they first come into contact with each other, they will have a sense of no clue. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly explain the development of the whole body sheet metal armour and heraldry in the Middle Ages in Europe. With the deepening of global integration, China's product design industry is also more and more deeply influenced by international product design style. However, at present, the application of Chinese traditional elements in many domestic product designs is still floating on the surface. The elements of the essence of many ethnic cultures are still only applied to the products in a stiff way. On the other hand, the excellent designs of Western countries such as Europe and the United States are often filled with a sense of modernity and science and technology, and at the same time, they also shine everywhere with the brilliance of ancient Western culture. The protection of ancient culture and the excavation of spiritual level in Europe are superior to the present situation in China. The purpose of this subject is to analyze the application of ancient cultural elements in our country through the influence on modern design of western medieval knight equipment and its derived heraldry. This paper discusses a method of deep excavation and application of the elements of ancient Chinese cultural design, which makes the native design of our country apply to traditional cultural elements, not only to the graphic symbols that are visible on the surface. It is to analyze and understand the cultural elements from a deep spiritual point of view, so that the products designed and manufactured will not only have remarkable Chinese characteristics in shape, but also be able to fully manifest the Chinese style in the spirit of art. Reach a state of both form and spirit.
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