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发布时间:2018-07-16 16:39
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization, a large number of natural surface is gradually replaced by artificial impermeable surface. The change of surface cover affects the urban thermal environment and produces more and more obvious urban heat island phenomenon and other thermal effects. Urban thermal environment can be described by surface temperature. Surface cover types such as impermeable surface, vegetation and water body are the main factors affecting urban thermal environment. Therefore, quantitative analysis of the influencing factors of surface temperature is of great significance to the improvement of urban ecological environment. The traditional experimental observation method is very difficult to obtain the spatial data of the whole city surface temperature, but the remote sensing model inversion method provides the only fast and effective method to get the large area surface temperature of the city quickly. In order to satisfy the accuracy of thermal infrared remote sensing imaging simulation, BP neural network is used to estimate the surface temperature of sub-pixel, which includes impermeable surface, vegetation, water body and other surface parameters. The experimental results show that, although there is a gap between the estimated value and the actual temperature inversion or field measurement, the calculation accuracy of synthesizing various surface parameters is high. Therefore, the study of remote sensing images and surface temperature can provide theoretical basis and technical support for alleviating the heat island effect in Guilin. In view of the increasingly serious urban heat island phenomenon caused by the rapid development of karst city in Guilin, the Landsat TM satellite image covering the study area is extracted from the land use information by support vector machine (SVM), and the soil luminance index is extracted by the tassel hat transform. Green vegetation index, humidity index and other surface parameters, The normalized vegetation index (NDVI), the ratio vegetation index (RVI), the modified soil adjustment index (MSAVI) and the water body index (MNDWI) were extracted by using the model. The Artis single window algorithm was used to estimate the thermal infrared band pixel surface temperature. The influence factors of land surface temperature were used as input of BP neural network to estimate the subpixel surface temperature of 30 m spatial resolution. The land use change, tassel transform characteristic component change and vegetation parameter change of Guilin urban area from 1989 to 2006 were analyzed. The influence mechanism of water index change on surface temperature. The results show that SVM can improve the accuracy of remote sensing classification of karst urban land use information, and can effectively dynamically monitor the changes of urban land use. The SVM has the highest classification accuracy and Kappa coefficient. The overall classification accuracy is 91.7, and the Kappa coefficient of more than 90 is 0.827, which is obviously higher than that of artificial neural network. The classification results of decision tree and maximum likelihood method have changed greatly from 1989 to 2006 in Guilin urban area, and the area of buildings has greatly increased. However, the area of agricultural land was greatly reduced, and the area of smaller water bodies shrank or even disappeared completely. The green vegetation index (GVI) of tasseled cap transform has the highest correlation with the surface temperature (0.8907), which can be used as the optimal vegetation parameter to analyze the effect of vegetation coverage on the surface temperature. There was a significant negative correlation between surface temperature and vegetation index (NDVI), RVI, MSAVI, GVI, etc. The results show that the surface temperature decreases with the increase of water body index, that is, there is a negative correlation between surface temperature and water body index. From 1989 to 2006, the expansion of karst city scale in Guilin resulted in the decrease of water body area from 4.6% to 4.44%, which accounted for 0.2% of the total area and 4.3% of the total water area. The data show that the two rivers and four lakes in Guilin can effectively improve the ecological environment quality and alleviate the phenomenon of urban heat island.


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