[Abstract]:Function is an important factor in design considerations and the basic starting point of all designs. However, the increase of packaging function should not be at the expense of ease of operation. It is a problem that should be considered in good design through the selective addition of packaging function to achieve the balance between ease of operation. Starting from the history and culture of Henan characteristics, taking the "spirit of Hongqi Canal" as an example, the symbolic deconstruction is carried out by means of artistic design, and applied to the cigarette packaging of "Hongqi Canal". There are three main ways to solve the problem: first, the waste collection device is added to the existing cigarette case structure to enhance the functionality of the cigarette case. To enable people to put ash and cigarette butts into the collection device without ashtrays and garbage cans; secondly, to provide insulation in the collection devices to prevent incomplete burning of soot ash and cigarette butts from causing disaster; and finally, In order to meet the needs of more and more people, different cigarette specifications and different types of packaging are adopted to meet the needs of more people. In addition to finding new design methods, design creation also seeks new forms of expression in line with the characteristics of the times for the heritage of traditional culture.
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