[Abstract]:By sampling a large transducer array at the receiving end, the multi-beam imaging sonar can form a uniform and dense receiving beam through digital beamforming in a certain range of angles, so that the two-dimensional images of underwater targets can be obtained in real time. It is widely used in marine resources development and underwater search and rescue. However, large-scale transducer array brings about the increase of hardware complexity and cost, volume and power consumption of sonar system. Array sparsity is one of the effective ways to solve the above problems. Most of the existing sparse array designs are for single beam cases with few constraints. But the sparse array design of imaging sonar is not well solved. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to study the sparse array technique for multi-beam cases. The main research contents and results are as follows: (1) the array sparsity method based on Farrow structure multi-beam forming is studied in order to obtain a set of sparse weighting coefficient vectors to achieve the sparse location of the array elements. With the Farrow structure pointing adjustable beamformer and the multi-beamforming method based on sub-aperture rotation, 538 beamforming in the range of 90-degree visual field can be realized with only one set of weighting coefficients. A convex optimization model of array sparsity based on Farrow structure is constructed. The simulation and measured data show that the proposed method can obtain satisfactory solutions according to the threshold set. But the sparse rate of the array is not high. (2) A multi-beam array sparse algorithm based on intelligent optimization and convex optimization is studied. The sparse method of single beam array based on particle swarm optimization is extended to multi-beam array. The simulation results show that the algorithm has poor optimization ability and too much computation. A hybrid algorithm based on improved binary wind-driven optimization and convex optimization is proposed. The position and weighted vector of the array are optimized until the sparse array with minimum number of elements satisfying the performance of the pattern is obtained. The simulated and measured data show that the algorithm can obtain the optimal array weight and array layout to meet the performance requirements. Both optimization performance and computational efficiency have been greatly improved compared with the existing methods. (3) Multi-beam array sparse method based on column space correlation is studied. Considering that the received signals of array elements have great correlation, the column space correlation model of the receiving array guidance matrix is studied, and the projection error is introduced. Based on the projection errors of each column in the subspace of other Zhang Cheng columns, the relative redundancy of the array elements is determined, and a detailed algorithm flow is designed. Compared with the previous two methods, the sparse method based on column space can improve the performance and achieve the optimal array sparsity ratio at the same performance of the main sidelobe. In summary, the three sparse methods presented in this paper have their own advantages and disadvantages. The method of array sparsity based on Farrow structure requires less weighting coefficient and less computation, but the width of the main lobe of the beam is wider and the sparse rate of the array is not high. The performance of the latter two multi-beam array sparse methods is better than that of the multi-beam forming method based on Farrow structure, but the computation time is increased. By comparison, the multi-beam array sparse method based on column space correlation is optimal.
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