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发布时间:2018-08-07 11:20
【摘要】:通过统计法、数值模拟法和应力分析方法等手段,对野外调查的数据进行剖析,结果表明第四系粉质粘土和二叠系片岩、角闪岩是区内的易滑地层;对坡型及外部特征而言,在直线型、凸起型、凹陷型和阶梯型中,凸起型坡和直线型坡为易滑坡型,20°~50°坡度及高10~30 m的斜坡为滑坡发生的主要对象;滑坡在各方向均有发育,但坡向45°~135°和180°~270°属滑坡发育的优势坡向,阳坡发生滑坡的概率高于阴坡;崩塌则主要发生在坡度大于45°,坡高小于30 m的斜坡。
[Abstract]:By means of statistical method, numerical simulation method and stress analysis method, the data of field investigation are analyzed. The results show quaternary silty clay and Permian schist, amphibolite is easy to slip in the area. For slope type and external characteristics, the convex slope and the straight slope are easy to be in the straight, convex, concave and staircase. Landslide type, 20 degree ~50 degree slope and high 10~30 m slope are the main objects of landslides. Landslides are developed in all directions, but slope to 45 degree ~135 and 180 degree ~270 is the dominant slope of landslide development, the probability of landslide in the sunny slope is higher than that in the shady slope, and the collapse is mainly on the slope with the slope greater than 45 degrees and the slope height less than 30 m.
【作者单位】: 洛阳理工学院;河南省地质调查院;河南省地质科学研究所;
【基金】:河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划(14IRTSTHN029) 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(16A560034)


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