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发布时间:2018-08-07 14:36
[Abstract]:Nanyue Buddha culture has a long history, attracting countless pilgrims to pay homage, incense exuberant, the survey said a unique. The huge consumption of incense, incalculable, the resulting environmental problems are increasingly attracting attention. The author was born in Hengyang and felt deeply about it. After thinking repeatedly and listening to the advice of his tutor, I decided to write and design my graduation thesis under the title of the packaging design based on the concept of environmental protection. Nanyue has a series of problems, such as weak cultural awareness, lack of brand, packaging materials are not environmentally friendly and so on. In view of these problems, I systematically understand the history, current situation, and development prospects of Nanyue line incense packaging through field investigation, literature review, design practice and so on, and then from cultural factors, packaging materials, structural modeling, In the aspects of visual image, color selection and so on, I have done deep thinking and practice on the packaging of Nanyue line incense from inside to outside. If my thesis can arouse the attention of the society to the packaging of Nanyue line incense, and thus intervene in it, Let Nanyue line incense walk on a cultural charm deep, convenient beautiful, accord with the new road of environmental protection, also let the consumer obtain better choice, find pure soul feeling in the prosperous world of material desire, it is a brick to attract jade.


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