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发布时间:2018-08-07 16:50
[Abstract]:With the improvement of people's living needs and the reform of sanitary ware products, the invasion of overseas sanitary ware brands under the background of economic globalization has brought more severe challenges to local sanitary ware brands. In order to win the market in this competitive environment, the packaging design plays an important role in the competition, besides the quality of the product itself, the rational and individual design can enhance the brand's added value and competitiveness. Although Jiumu hardware bathroom started late, with its excellent product design and corporate culture, it has a certain influence at home and abroad. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of hardware sanitary ware packaging design at home and abroad, considers the needs of consumers before and after purchase, and integrates the integrated packaging design into hardware sanitary ware packaging. The whole process from packaging design, storage, transportation, consumption, usage, discard to recycling packaging is considered. By using the method of market research and case analysis, this paper makes a further study on the advantages and disadvantages of Jiumu's corporate culture and packaging, and measures and designs the size of Jiumu's products. Finally, the buffer packaging was verified by the method of buffer experiment. This graduation creation not only reduces the products being damaged by the external environment through the design of the packaging structure, but also draws lessons from the ergonomics theory and applies the structural design to the packaging design to make transportation more convenient. At the same time, the use of visual-oriented design, so that consumers in the purchase of products after the understanding of the product installation procedures. Not only increase consumer and packaging interaction, but also greatly enhance the added value of the brand.


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