[Abstract]:As a developing country, China is also a country with very tight energy supply. With the sustained and rapid development of the national economy, the demand for energy is also growing rapidly, which further increases the pressure on domestic resources and environment. The natural cold source is the winter cold air, ice and snow, cold water and other different forms of energy, is an inexhaustible natural wealth of human resources, its scientific, rational, effective development and utilization of great significance and far-reaching.
In view of this practical problem, on the basis of domestic and foreign literatures and research data, this paper puts forward the first time to combine the winter natural cooling energy and refrigeration system in Northeast China, analyzes its feasibility, popularizes the technology to the actual production process, and through the winter natural cooling energy research and specific theoretical analysis in North China. In order to obtain the corresponding actual data and provide reference for the application of natural cold energy in winter and the energy saving of refrigeration system in Northeast China, the practical effect and possible problems are explored for the first time.
Firstly, the feasibility study on the application of natural cooling energy in the refrigeration system of dairy factory is carried out. Based on the refrigeration principle and characteristics of the refrigeration system of the dairy factory, the feasible schemes for different solutions to match the outdoor cooling energy with the energy required by the refrigeration system of the dairy factory are studied. Medium device. This device can change the cold source with the changing outdoor temperature into the fixed cold source, thus saving energy.
Secondly, the application of natural energy in the refrigeration system of dairy factory is studied and designed. This paper takes the dairy factory as the research object, through the study of the refrigeration principle and natural energy of the dairy factory, applies the natural cold energy in the northern region to the refrigeration system of the dairy factory. By calculating different outdoor temperatures, choosing the selected materials and sizes of tubes, and calculating the heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer area of dairy factory, a natural cooling energy application device suitable for the refrigeration system of Northeast Dairy Factory is designed, which can save energy in dairy factory. The temperature distribution of running water in the device was simulated to simulate the heat transfer of running water at different outdoor temperatures.
Then, the experimental study on the application of natural cooling energy in dairy plants in Northeast China was carried out. The designed natural cooling energy application device was applied to the winter operation of dairy plants. The simulated data are compared with the experimental data in winter. The consistency of the two sets of data is found and verified.
Finally, according to the experimental results, the improved research design and popularization prospect of the designed and researched natural cooling energy application device are carried out. The differences between the experiment and simulation are found out, the research and analysis are carried out, and the theoretical improvement is made. Some necessary measures to prevent the freezing of the carrier are adopted to make the natural cooling energy application device adapt to the winter in the whole Northeast China. The outdoor temperature of the season verifies the feasibility of the application of natural cooling energy in the dairy factory in Northeast China in winter.The differences and commonalities between other refrigeration enterprises and dairy factory are analyzed.According to the different refrigeration demand and other requirements of different refrigeration enterprises,the designed application device of natural cooling energy can be improved. In refrigeration enterprises such as warehouses, pharmaceutical factories and food factories, which use edible water as refrigerant, besides their own cooling capacity parameters, they can completely use the natural cooling energy applicators designed in this paper; they can also be used in breweries, but the natural cooling energy applicators can be used because they are different from dairy factories and are ethylene glycol with a freezing point of - 12.6 degrees Celsius. It is of great significance for the sustainable development of the whole society to popularize this kind of natural cooling energy application device in the whole refrigeration industry.
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