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发布时间:2018-08-15 19:05
[Abstract]:The most important thing in landslide stability analysis is accuracy. The sliding surface and the slope surface are three dimensional surface, which results in great variation of the thickness of the sliding body. In landslide stability analysis, a so-called "representative longitudinal section" is usually used to calculate the safety factor. Because the unit width longitudinal section is used to calculate, in most cases, it can only represent the local stability of the slip body with small width on both sides of the longitudinal section, but not the whole stability of the landslide. Therefore, the multi-longitudinal section force method is put forward to analyze the landslide stability. In order to reduce the cost of exploration, the sliding surface is divided into two types: simple sliding surface and complex sliding surface. In this paper, at least two vertical sections with 2 ~ 4 boreholes are drilled for a simple slide. Several kinds of slip surface curve functions are used to draw the auxiliary cross section, and many calculated longitudinal sections are cut out. The multi-section resultant force method is based on the principle that spatial parallel force system can be moved. Each section is divided into strips, and the shear stress and anti-slide force of each section are decomposed into horizontal and vertical forces. Then, the vertical and horizontal forces of shear stress and anti-slide force of each section are calculated, and the horizontal and vertical forces of shear stress and anti-slide force of each section are calculated to calculate the slide resistance and sliding force of the landslide. The stability coefficient of shear ratio-landslide is obtained. Two landslide examples, simple slide surface and complex slide surface, are used to verify the effectiveness of the method.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院页岩气与地质工程重点实验室中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所;德州农工大学埃尔帕索农业生命科学研究中心;


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