发布时间:2018-08-30 18:59
【摘要】:目前能源问题是世界性重大课题。蓄冷技术是一项合理利用电网资源的制冷节能新技术。制冷机组在夜间电力负荷低峰时运行,产生的冷量存储在蓄冷介质中,然后在电力负荷高峰时将冷量释放出来,满足高峰期冷负荷的需求,实现冷量的产生和使用相分离,最终达到移峰填谷,节省电费的目的。近年来,蓄冷技术已经成为国际上研究的热点话题,主要集中于建筑物的空调,目前国内外对O℃以下的低温相变蓄冷材料及其应用的研究还比较少,而我国对低温储藏却有着巨大的需求,随着蓄冷技术的发展,对低温相变蓄冷材料需要进行基础研究,并测定其热物性,有望扩大低温相变蓄冷材料的应用范围。所以研究和发展低温蓄冷技术具有极大的理论和现实意义。 本文对不同温度等级的低温高潜热蓄冷剂进行筛选与测试。筛选出相变温度为-10℃、-20℃两种不同温度等级的无机盐溶液作为相变蓄冷材料,其蓄冷材料具有性能稳定,相变潜热高,无相分离等优点,可将其应用在蓄冷式冷藏车中,并对蓄冷式冷藏车车厢内部温度场进行数值模拟。本文所做工作有如下几个方面: (1)根据温度要求初选适合蓄冷式冷藏车用低温高潜热值的相变蓄冷材料,并对其相变温度、相变潜热、稳定性等进行测试。 (2)通过步冷曲线筛选出符合要求的相变蓄冷材料,添加不同成核剂和粘稠剂解决所配置出的相变蓄冷材料存在的过冷度及相分离现象,并通过多次冻融测试其衰减性没有改变,材料稳定性良好。 (3)通过对蓄冷过程管外侧自然对流换热系数的计算得到蓄冷实验过程中管外自然对流换热系数于结冰前后的变化情况。然后又根据冷藏车的计算参数对冷藏车车厢进行冷负荷和蓄冷板充冷量进行计算。为实际应用中蓄冷式冷藏车中蓄冷板的设计和布置提供了参考依据。 (4)运用数值模拟的方法模拟蓄冷板式冷藏车车厢内温度场的分布情况模拟车厢内不同切面的温度场。结果表明:其车厢内的温度适合冷藏车进行冷藏运输。
[Abstract]:At present, the energy problem is a major issue in the world. Cold storage technology is a new refrigeration and energy-saving technology which can make rational use of power grid resources. The refrigerating unit operates at night when the power load is low, and the generated cooling amount is stored in the cold storage medium, and then the cooling volume is released at the peak of the power load, which meets the demand of the peak cooling load and realizes the separation of the generation and use of the cooling capacity. Finally, the purpose of shifting peak and filling valley and saving electricity cost is achieved. In recent years, cold storage technology has become a hot topic in the international research, mainly focused on the air conditioning of buildings. At present, there are few researches on low temperature phase change storage materials below O 鈩,
[Abstract]:At present, the energy problem is a major issue in the world. Cold storage technology is a new refrigeration and energy-saving technology which can make rational use of power grid resources. The refrigerating unit operates at night when the power load is low, and the generated cooling amount is stored in the cold storage medium, and then the cooling volume is released at the peak of the power load, which meets the demand of the peak cooling load and realizes the separation of the generation and use of the cooling capacity. Finally, the purpose of shifting peak and filling valley and saving electricity cost is achieved. In recent years, cold storage technology has become a hot topic in the international research, mainly focused on the air conditioning of buildings. At present, there are few researches on low temperature phase change storage materials below O 鈩,