[Abstract]:Cu_ (1.00) In_ (1-x) Ga_xSe_ (2.00) (CIGS) thin film solar cells are considered as one of the most promising thin film semiconductor cells. Among them, CIGS optical absorption layer is one of the key materials affecting the performance of thin film solar cells. As the electrolyte of electrodepositing CIGS thin films, it is easier to obtain stable CIGS deposits. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to develop a new process of electrodepositing CIGS thin films by ionic liquids. The deposition mechanism and CIGS electrodeposition behavior of the multimetal films prepared by ionic liquids electrodeposition were clarified. According to the characteristics of Cu, In, Ga, Se and the properties of ionic liquids, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate ([BMIm][TfO]) ionic liquids were selected as electrodeposited CIGS films. The morphology, composition and structure of CIGS thin films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (ICP), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. There are a lot of cauliflower-like clusters on the surface, which are composed of Cu_ (1.00) In_ (0.83) Ga_ (0.23) Se_ (1.64) and mainly show the chalcopyrite structure growing along the (112) crystal plane. The lattice spacing is 0.328 nm. The CIGS thin films were measured by UV-Vis and Hall Effect. Semiconductor properties were studied. It was found that the C IGS thin films deposited by constant potential electrodeposition were p-type semiconductors with a gap of Eg=1.55 eV, a carrier concentration of 2.74 (20) cm-3 and a Hall coefficient of 2.28 (-2) cm-3 (-1). Based on the properties of the ionic liquid [BMIm] [TfO]-alcohol mixed system with different kinds of cosolvents, 30 Vol% propanol was selected as the cosolvent of the mixed system. SEM, TEM, ICP, XRD, Raman, UV-Vis and Hall Effect were used to study the morphology, composition, structure and semiconductor properties of CIGS films deposited by constant potential electrodeposition. CIGS thin films prepared by constant potential electrodeposition of ionic liquids [BMIm] [TfO] system are better than those prepared by constant potential electrodeposition. The growth of corresponding (112) crystal faces is more orderly and the lattice spacing is 0.340 nm. Compared with the carrier concentration of CIGS thin films deposited in ionic liquid system, the carrier concentration of CIGS thin films deposited in ionic liquid [BMIm] [TfO]-30 Vol% propanol mixed system decreases. The effects of peak current density, duty cycle and frequency on the morphology, composition, structure and semiconductor properties of the deposited CIGS thin films were studied. The peak current density of 2 mA (-2), duty cycle of 50% and frequency of 2 kHz were selected as pulse electrodeposition parameters. The surface homogeneity of CIGS thin films deposited by pulse electrodeposition was improved and the grain size was smaller. The deposited layer was composed of Cu_ (1.00) In_ (0.51) Ga_ (0.10) Se_ (2.04), which was a chalcopyrite structure of p-type semiconductor. The lattice spacing of (112) faces is 0.328 nm. The forbidden band width is Eg=1.35 eV. The carrier concentration and Hall coefficient are 1.64 *1022 cm-3 and 3.81 *10-4 cm-3.C-1, respectively. The electrochemical behavior and electrocrystallization mechanism of CIGS were studied. The co-deposition mechanism of CIGS was preliminarily studied by cyclic voltammetry curves and current-time (I~t) curves at different step potentials. The cyclic voltammetry curves of monobasic, binary and multicomponent ionic liquids [BMIm] [TfO] systems were studied respectively. The electrocrystallization of CIGS in ionic liquid [BMIm] [TfO] system and ionic liquid [BMIm] [TfO] - 30 Vol% propanol system was studied. It was found that the electrocrystallization process in ionic liquid [BMIm] [TfO] system was controlled by diffusion. In accordance with the growth mechanism of three-dimensional instantaneous nucleation, the electrocrystallization process in ionic liquid [BMIm] [TfO]-30 Vol% propanol mixtures is controlled by diffusion. With the negative shift of deposition potential, the three-dimensional continuous nucleation becomes the growth mechanism of instantaneous nucleation.
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