[Abstract]:Spiral seal is widely used in industrial production and daily life, and it is often used in conjunction with packing seal. It is of great significance to study the relationship between them in practical application. By using the concept of porous medium to simulate the leakage mechanism of packing seal, the corresponding calculation model is established, and the numerical simulation of gas seal under the joint action of packing seal and spiral seal is made. The relationship between them is studied. The detailed work is divided into the following six parts: the first chapter describes the research background and significance of the subject, summarizes the research status of spiral seal and porous media, and puts forward the research methods of this paper. At the same time, the main research contents of this paper are summarized. In the second chapter, the types of sealing and porous media are introduced in detail, and the theory of spiral seal and porous media is discussed. In the third chapter, the basic types of grid, the method of grid generation and the process of grid generation are introduced, and the processing of near wall mesh is analyzed. The working conditions and geometric dimensions of spiral seal with packing seal are described. According to the different positions of spiral seal, different types of mesh are generated, and a high quality hexahedron mesh is established by approximate treatment of spiral groove. A hybrid mesh is generated at the gap, and a high quality full channel mesh is established. In chapter 4, the basic process of CFD numerical simulation is introduced. The basic fluid control equation, turbulence model and porous media model are described. The SST model is used to numerically calculate the screw seal with packing seal, and the velocity field and pressure field of the flow channel are analyzed. The importance of positive and reverse rotation of spiral seal is expounded by comparison. The effect of packing seal permeability on sealing performance was calculated and analyzed. In the fifth chapter, the helical angle, the ratio of groove depth to clearance and the effect of clearance on the permeability of packing seal are studied. The permeability of packing seal under different pressure and axial speed is calculated and the relationship between them is analyzed. The sixth chapter summarizes the work of this paper, points out the shortcomings and innovations in this work.
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