[Abstract]:Geostationary meteorological satellite is a special remote sensing satellite, which is responsible for weather observation all-weather. According to the satellite cloud image it can monitor and warn the disastrous weather and ensure the safety of people's life and property. Because of the huge amount of multispectral remote sensing images, it is of practical significance to compress and fuse the multi-band infrared images before classification, to improve the resolution of cloud images, to alleviate the transmission pressure and to enhance the nocturnal detection ability. By analyzing the characteristics of multispectral remote sensing images, it is found that the infrared cloud images of each band have certain correlation, and the resolution is low, and the edges are blurred. From the point of view of data compression and fusion, two preprocessing methods, K-L transform and wavelet transform, are selected in this paper. Two transform algorithms are realized by Matlab programming, which synthesizes the visual effect and quantitative index of the image. It is concluded that K-L transform can effectively extract the cloud information with low correlation, and is closest to the visible cloud image at the same time. Wavelet transform retains more details of source image, and it is suitable for cloud image structure analysis after preprocessing. Therefore, K-L transform is more suitable for infrared cloud image preprocessing. In this paper, the K-L transform of multi-channel image data is realized on the Zynq platform of Xilinx Company by using the method of hardware and software co-design. In the design process of K-L IP kernel, the K-L transform algorithm is realized by C language programming. After the synthesis of VivadoHLS tools, the corresponding IP kernel is optimized. The C/RTL cosimulation results show that the RTL code transformed by C language is accurate and the encapsulation of IP core is finished. After the design of K-L IP core is completed, the test is carried out on the Zedboard development board. The multispectral remote sensing image preprocessing system based on Zynq includes four parts: image acquisition, data cache, algorithm processing and data transmission after preprocessing. The experimental results show that it takes about 5000 milliseconds to preprocess three images with 640 脳 480 resolution by K-L transform, while it takes 91 milliseconds for Zynq hardware / software co-implementation. Multi-spectral remote sensing image preprocessing technology based on Zynq has the advantages of real-time, high efficiency and convenience, and has a broad prospect in the research and application of aerospace.
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