发布时间:2018-10-17 20:26
【摘要】:在空气源热泵热水器中,对水平套管冷凝器环形通道内R134a的凝结换热特性进行实验研究。在冷凝器不同进水流量、进水温度时,实验测试了水平套管冷凝器凝结换热系数随热流密度、冷凝压力及干度的变化。实验工况为:冷凝器的进水流量为0.6~1.0 m~3/h,进水温度为15~60℃。实验结果表明:水平环形通道内R134a的凝结换热系数随热流密度和冷凝压力(温度)的升高而减小,当冷凝压力为1.3 MPa,热流密度由18 k W/m2增加至20.5 k W/m~2时,R134a的凝结换热系数减小了6.9%;当热流密度为15 k W/m~2,冷凝压力由1.78 MPa增大至1.83 MPa时,R134a的凝结换热系数减小了5.8%。R134a的局部凝结换热系数随干度的增大而增大,当冷凝压力为1.1 MPa,热流密度为18.3 k W/m~2,制冷剂干度由0.1增大至0.9时,R134a的局部凝结换热系数增大了24.4%。
[Abstract]:The condensation heat transfer characteristics of R134a in the annular passage of horizontal casing condenser are studied experimentally in the air source heat pump water heater. The change of condensation heat transfer coefficient with heat flux, condensation pressure and dryness of horizontal casing condenser was tested at different influent flow rate and influent temperature. The experimental conditions are as follows: the influent flow rate of the condenser is 0.61.0 mg / h, and the influent temperature is 1560 鈩,
[Abstract]:The condensation heat transfer characteristics of R134a in the annular passage of horizontal casing condenser are studied experimentally in the air source heat pump water heater. The change of condensation heat transfer coefficient with heat flux, condensation pressure and dryness of horizontal casing condenser was tested at different influent flow rate and influent temperature. The experimental conditions are as follows: the influent flow rate of the condenser is 0.61.0 mg / h, and the influent temperature is 1560 鈩,