[Abstract]:With the increasing market demand for business etiquette products and the promotion of consumers' aesthetic level, excessive packaging, similar design style, insufficient market positioning, lack of cultural connotation, neglect of consumer emotional experience and other issues have become increasingly prominent. There is an urgent need for people-oriented, from material needs to spiritual needs as the starting point of design, adhere to the design of more personalized, human, emotional and more cultural connotation of business etiquette products. The art of Song brocade not only reflects the unique aesthetic consciousness and artistic thought of the local people in Suzhou, but also reflects its ideological, moral, emotional, folk customs and cultural beliefs. Deeply analyzing the value of Song brocade and the feasibility of its application in the design and development of business etiquette products, taking modern consumption demand and aesthetic demand as the guidance, digging deeply into the connotation of Song brocade culture at the same time, Drawing lessons from the successful cases of domestic excellent cultural gift box and creative products, it opens up a unique road for Song Jin's business etiquette products in the development of the new era. The commercial etiquette product designed with Song Jin as the element belongs to the cultural etiquette product, which has the dual attributes of commodity and art. It also embodies the application value of Song Jinxin while giving the cultural connotation of the business etiquette product. With its unique personality, it shows the style and features of Suzhou's traditional culture.
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