[Abstract]:With the development of surface modification technology and material technology, the enhancement layers such as Ti C, Ti N, DLC and the like have been widely used in typical friction pairs such as rolling bearings and gears, especially for long-term work at high speed, Under the condition of heavy-load and high-temperature severe working conditions or under special working conditions of short-time oil-off oil, the friction pair is under the condition of special working conditions. In the process of design and development of the membrane-based system facing the working condition, the trial-and-error method based on the experience knowledge and the test is of great blindness and randomness, and the tribological application of the film layer and the surface strengthening layer is not well recognized as the design criterion. in ord to study that influence of the micro-morphology of the contact surface film and the contact surface on the contact property of the friction pair, in order to provide the analytical method and the theoretical guidance for the application design of the film layer, a new method of rough surface numerical simulation based on a random exchange system is proposed, in that method, a random rough surface is simulate to provide surface data for the contact model, and then the elastic point contact model of the film-based system of the uniform film, the elastic point contact model of the gradient film-based system and the thermal elastic point contact model of the uniform film-based system are established based on the semi-analytical method, The effects of the morphology of the film and the contact surface on the contact properties are studied based on these models. In this paper, a new method of rough surface simulation based on the random exchange system is proposed in combination with the polar coordinate method and the Johnson conversion system. By adopting the iterative algorithm, the deviation between the statistical parameters of the rough surface obtained by the simulation and the specified statistical parameter is effectively controlled, and the deficiency of the fitting degree of the self-phase function of the prior method with the increase of the autocorrelation length is overcome, and the simulation accuracy is improved. The simulation of the real engineering surface shows that the simulation method proposed in this paper can also be used for rough surface simulation of the autocorrelation function other than the exponential function, and the application range is expanded. The frequency domain solution of the elastic field under the action of the surface mechanical load is obtained by the Papkovich-Neuber potential function, and the influence factor matrix of the displacement and the stress related to the surface method to the pressure and the tangential force is obtained by using the influence factor matrix conversion algorithm based on the fast Fourier transform, The three-dimensional elastic point contact model of the sphere and the membrane-based system is established, and the validity of the model is verified by the comparison of the analytical solution with the Hertz contact theory and the finite element solution. Based on this elastic contact model, the influence of the film thickness, the thickness and the contact surface roughness on the contact pressure and the contact stress distribution of the subsurface layer was obtained. in that invention, the frequency domain solution of the elastic field of the exponential-type gradient film-based system under the action of surface mechanical load is further derived by introduce the Fourier integral transform, and the influence factor matrix of the displacement and the stress related to the surface pressure and the tangential force is obtained by using the influence factor matrix conversion algorithm, so that the contact model of the uniform film membrane-based system is applied to the contact model of the gradient membrane-based system, The validity of the model is verified by the comparison of the solution of the contact model with the membrane-based system and the finite element solution. The influence of the elastic modulus and the film thickness on the contact pressure and the contact stress of the subsurface layer was obtained based on the elastic point contact model of the gradient film-based system. In the end, the effect of the friction heat on the point contact properties of the membrane-based system was also considered. The frequency-domain solution of the temperature rise and the thermal elastic field of the membrane-based system of the uniform film under the action of the surface friction heat source is derived by the Fourier integral transformation, and then the influence factor matrix of the surface temperature rise, the thermal displacement and the thermal stress related to the surface heat source is obtained by using the influence factor conversion algorithm, so as to further establish a three-dimensional thermal elastic point contact model for the uniform film film-based system taking into account the friction heat distribution by introducing a thermal distribution model which is based on the real contact area temperature of the contact interface, and the validity of the model is verified by the comparison of the solution of the model and the previous research results for the contact problem without the film layer. The influence of the sliding speed, the friction coefficient, the heat transfer coefficient of the film layer, the coefficient of thermal expansion of the film layer and the roughness of the contact surface on the contact pressure, the temperature rise of the contact surface, the surface heat flow of the film-based system and the contact stress of the sub-surface layer were obtained based on the thermal elastic contact model. The model and method established in this paper will provide the theoretical basis for the long-life friction pair surface film layer and the reinforcement layer design, the solid-liquid composite lubrication state analysis, the life prediction and the failure mode conversion prediction under the severe and complicated working conditions.
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