[Abstract]:In petroleum, chemical and other process industries, containers and equipment often leak due to corrosion, production fluctuations and other adverse factors. The technology of pressure seal can deal with leakage effectively without stopping, so it is widely used in various industries. Pressure sealing technology can effectively avoid the economic loss caused by parking. But the investigation found that the emergency repair staff do not know enough about the relevant norms and standards of the seal with pressure, and often design the fixture and the construction operation according to the experience after the leakage accident, leaving the hidden trouble of the fixture failure. Moreover, it takes a lot of time to design and construct the fixture according to the specification by hand, so it is easy to miss the best time of blocking leakage. Therefore, based on the corresponding standard of pressure seal, this paper establishes the standard inquiry, fixture design, drawing of CAD drawing, auxiliary function by Visual Basic language combined with AutoCAD, Access and other software, which covers the standard inquiry of pressure seal, fixture design, drawing of CAD drawing, auxiliary function, and so on. Case preservation and other use of links with the use of pressure sealing technology expert system. The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the background and research status of pressure sealing fixture at home and abroad are introduced, and the functional requirements of existing sealing software with pressure are analyzed. The structure frame and sub-function modules of expert system with pressure seal technology are designed. (2) the theory and structure design of the sealing fixture with pressure are studied in detail, and the existing formula for the design of the clamp with pressure is summarized and summarized, and the formula for the design of the sealing fixture in the form of partial flange and straight pipe is improved. Based on the above design formula, the design module covering most of the clamping fixture with pressure is established, and the rapid design of the commonly used clamping fixture with pressure is realized. (3) the existing secondary development method of AutoCAD is introduced, and the practical development technology of CAD with pressure sealing fixture is established. Considering the design characteristics, software, hardware, system compatibility and other factors of the clamping fixture with pressure, the CAD function module of the clamp with pressure seal is developed by using ActiveX Automation secondary development mode. The functions of CAD schematic drawing and CAD proportional drawing are realized, which provides different choices for fixture drawing in different situations, and effectively improves the accuracy and efficiency of drawing of engineers. (4) based on the Access, Excel database processing software, through the ADO database interface and the control data binding technology, the paper establishes the pressure-sealed database, including the graphic database with pressure seal, the document library, the general parameter database, the case database and so on. The database covers HG/T20201-2007, GB/T26468-2011 and other relevant standards and specifications for pressure seals and regulations for special equipment, and preserves almost all types of fixture drawing templates covered by the standards, including allowable stress of materials, high temperature yield strength, All material characteristic parameters specified on GB/T150-2011, such as durable strength, as well as the frame structure of pressure-sealed cases and the preservation of existing cases. The database of pressurized seal ensures the effective management and full utilization of the relevant data, and provides the basis for the normal use of each functional module of the expert system with pressure seal. (5) the application of expert system with pressure seal technology in a petrochemical enterprise in Dalian is given. The application results show that the system can effectively complete the design work of each link of the seal with pressure, greatly lighten the workload of the designer, and effectively improve the working efficiency of the whole link of the seal with pressure.
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