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发布时间:2018-11-22 10:12
[Abstract]:Based on the frozen soil observation data from 61 meteorological stations in Liaoning Province from 1964 to 2013, the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of permafrost in Liaoning Province were analyzed by means of linear regression, correlation analysis and comparison of different climatic periods. The results showed that the frozen soil in Liaoning Province showed a zonal distribution with latitude, and soil freezing had obvious seasonal variation characteristics. The freezing period was from October to May of the following year, and the area and depth of freezing reached the maximum at the beginning of winter and spring. The freezing day was postponed gradually from north to south, but the ablation day was reversed, and the depth of frozen soil decreased with the increase of temperature in the global warming background. The annual mean air temperature and surface temperature are negatively correlated with the maximum depth of frozen soil, which is an important factor affecting the depth of frozen soil, and the maximum depth of frozen soil decreases gradually from the depth lines of 100cm and other depth lines in different climatic periods.
【作者单位】: 沈阳区域气候中心;中国气象局气象干部培训学院辽宁分院;
【基金】:“辽宁省季节性冻土、地温的三维特征与工程建设安全性研究” 辽宁省气象局重点研究项目“辽宁省城乡规划与建设项目选址规划气象审查系统建设”资助


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