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发布时间:2018-12-08 18:05
【摘要】:中小企业创造了国家经济的大部分财富,中小企业虽然是国民经济的主角,但是和大企业相比,存在资源不足,管理水平落后,人员流动频繁等困难,直接影响了中小企业的生存和发展。对于大多数中小企业来说,持续创新成为了企业在市场竞争环境中生存的策略,新产品开发是最常见的创新手段。由于管理手段的落后和资源有限,往往使新产品开发工作增加了风险和困难,甚至使项目失败。越来越多的中小企业意识到,在提高产品研发技术的同时,还要建立适合本企业的产品开发管理制度,提高产品开发工作的效率。 本文以一个典型的小企业的产品开发为研究对象,对其新产品开发过程中存在的主要问题进行研究,这些问题包括新项目确定和选择,设计变更与修改,安规测试失败,工艺文件编制不完善和开发流程有待优化。这些问题容易造成项目进度延误,费用超支。利用因果图分析问题产生的原因,利用ASME分析开发工作中的非增值活动和非增值活动,对产品开发的流程进行优化。使用并行工程的思想,在设计团队中增加工艺设计人员,使工艺设计与产品设计同时进行。让供应商早期开始介入参与设计,利用供应商的信息渠道获得设计工作所需的资料。用作业成本法计算结果评估改进措施的成果。 对于查找和解决产品开发管理中存在的问题,本文的工作是一次探索,可为中小企业在解决类似问题时提供一些思路和方法。
[Abstract]:Small and medium-sized enterprises have created most of the wealth of the national economy. Although small and medium-sized enterprises are the protagonists of the national economy, compared with large enterprises, they have difficulties such as insufficient resources, backward management levels, frequent staff movements, and so on. Directly affected the survival and development of small and medium enterprises. For the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises, continuous innovation has become a strategy for enterprises to survive in the market competition environment, and new product development is the most common means of innovation. Because of the backwardness of management means and limited resources, the new product development work often increases the risk and difficulty, and even makes the project fail. More and more small and medium-sized enterprises realize that while improving the technology of product research and development, they should establish a product development management system suitable for their own enterprises, and improve the efficiency of product development. In this paper, a typical small enterprise product development as the research object, the main problems in the process of new product development are studied. These problems include new project determination and selection, design change and modification, safety test failure. Process documentation is not perfect and the development process needs to be optimized. These problems easily lead to project schedule delays and cost overruns. The cause and effect of the problem are analyzed by using causality diagram, and the process of product development is optimized by using ASME to analyze the non-value-added activities and non-value-added activities in the development work. By using concurrent engineering, process designers are added to the design team so that process planning and product design can be carried out at the same time. Let the supplier get involved in the design at an early stage, using the supplier's information channel to obtain the information needed for the design work. Evaluate the results of the improvement measures with the results of ABC calculation. To find and solve the problems existing in product development and management, the work of this paper is an exploration, which can provide some ideas and methods for small and medium-sized enterprises to solve similar problems.


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