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发布时间:2018-12-12 00:43
[Abstract]:With the development of remote sensing technology and imaging spectrometer, hyperspectral remote sensing image has been applied in more and more fields. However, due to its low spatial rate and the complexity of the distribution of ground objects, a pixel is usually made up of several ground objects, which seriously hinders the practical application of hyperspectral images. Therefore, it is particularly meaningful to decompose hyperspectral images with mixed pixels. At present, in the field of research, new methods and new ideas emerge endlessly at home and abroad. The problem of hyperspectral descrambling based on sparse constraints has become a hot spot in the field of remote sensing. It is a sparse regression problem. The goal is to find the optimal spectral subset which can represent the pixel in a large spectral database. However, there are still some shortcomings, such as not using spatial information of images. Based on the previous research results, this paper makes a lot of research on mixed pixel decomposition of hyperspectral images based on sparse constraints. The main research contents are as follows: firstly, the hyperspectral linear and nonlinear mixed models are described, and the basic steps of linear unmixing are introduced. The number estimation algorithm, the end component extraction algorithm and the abundance inversion algorithm are introduced one by one. Then, the hyperspectral demultiplexing model based on sparse constraint is described in detail. It assumes that the mixed pixel can be represented as a linear combination of the spectral curves in a known spectral library. In this way, unmixing is equivalent to finding the best subset of the spectrum library that can represent the pixel in the spectral library. The sparse unmixing problem is essentially an optimization problem of L _ 0 norm. In general, the L _ 0 norm minimization problem is transformed into a L1 norm minimization problem. In this paper, variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian algorithm are used for sparse demultiplexing, which is a very fast method, and its regularization parameters and penalty parameters are studied in order to obtain a relatively optimal parameter. The influence of cross-correlation function value (MC) of spectral library on the results of descrambling is analyzed through simulation experiments. The general conclusion is drawn that the smaller the cross-correlation function value MC of spectral library matrix, the better the effect of sparse demultiplexing. Finally, the weighted L 1 regularized sparse demultiplexing model is studied, which is closer to L 0 norm than L 1 norm. Aiming at the problem that it only considers the optimization in mathematical sense and does not make use of the actual distribution of ground objects, a weighted L1 regularized sparse demultiplexing algorithm based on modified weights is proposed, and spatial information is introduced into the iterative updating process of weights. The experimental results show that the improved weighted L1 regularized sparse demultiplexing algorithm can effectively improve the resolution of hyperspectral images with lower SNR.


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