[Abstract]:The ultrasonic phased array imaging technology can control the time (phase) of each array element to transmit (or receive) ultrasonic wave, realize the sound beam of each array element to deflect in the sound field, focus, reach the high-end technology of imaging detection. Compared with the conventional ultrasonic method, it has the advantages of fast and flexible, strong mechanical reliability and so on. According to the research progress of phased array ultrasonic detection technology at home and abroad, the design of ultrasonic phased array transducer and the multi-channel ultrasonic transmitting and receiving system have become two key technologies of phased array detection. As the electronic control core of ultrasonic phased array detection system, multi-channel ultrasonic transmitting and receiving system realizes several key technologies of space-time control of beam. The array transducer is the direct component of ultrasonic imaging detection, which bears direct contact with the detection object, and has a direct impact on the performance and imaging quality of phased array detection. In the design of phased array ultrasonic array, the method of reducing the distance between array elements and increasing the density of array elements is often used to eliminate the grating lobe and solve the problem of blurred imaging space, but it also increases the cost of array and makes it more difficult. Moreover, the mutual radiation effect between array elements becomes a serious drawback, which is especially obvious in the design of large array transducers. Sparse array is an effective way to solve these problems. In this paper, an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed to simulate and optimize the one-dimensional sparse array of different phased arrays, and to calculate the array pattern which can reflect the spatial resolution and contrast resolution of the imaging. A sparse array with a comprehensive acoustic performance close to the reference full array is obtained. Experimental analysis shows that the reference of particle swarm optimization algorithm can provide an effective optimization design for sparse array. Based on the improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, the minimum redundancy array is combined to keep the sparse array with high spatial resolution and to improve the contrast resolution. The problem of poor consistency of sparse array based on particle swarm optimization is solved. The control platform of ultrasonic phased array sparse array is developed by mixed programming of MATLAB and Visual Studio 9.0. It can realize sparse control of array transducer with arbitrary aperture and arbitrary effective array element number. The optimal design and performance evaluation of sparse array with different aperture can also be realized, and the ultrasonic phased array sparse array detection system is designed based on this platform. Through the sparse array detection system, using the sparse array obtained by the two algorithms, and the corresponding aperture reference array, the different plate thickness with porosity, not fused, not welded through, slag, crack typical weld defect test blocks were detected and compared. The database of typical sparse array and weld defect is established. The defect detection experiments show that the particle swarm optimization algorithm combined with the minimum redundancy array method can improve the spatial resolution of sparse array imaging and improve the contrast resolution of detection imaging. It can provide high quality ultrasonic imaging.
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