[Abstract]:In order to search for the optimal operation strategy of the factory inspection link, the problem of resource allocation optimization of inspection equipment, transportation vehicle and spot check personnel was studied by using the theory of Jackson queuing network. According to the field investigation of manufacturing enterprises, the process of ex-factory inspection is abstracted into a Jackson queue network, and the process of factory inspection is described by network. The resource optimization model of Jackson queueing network is established with the lowest system cost as the goal, and the recursive optimization flow is given. Finally, an example shows that it is effective and feasible to apply Jackson queuing network theory to the optimization of manufacturing system resource allocation to achieve the dynamic optimization of factory inspection.
【作者单位】: 南京工业大学经济与管理学院;东南大学自动化学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71171110,71301073,71371097) 教育部人文社科基金资助项目(12YJC630180) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金资助项目(2014SJB079) 南京工业大学校内自选课题(14SK12)
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